This is a fake job scam! There is no job! Do not send documents or money! If you are not interviewed face to face, in person, the job offer is Always a scam! If you are asked to pay fees for a visa or work permit or anything else, the job offer is a scam, even if they say they will reimburse you! No real company or embassy ever uses a free email address! Read Why Most Emails Offering Jobs Are Scams! to learn how to tell when a job offer is fake and Never Wire Money to Strangers! or click on the images below:

From: Ergon Inc
Date: Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 3:41 AM
To: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Diplomat Edward Steve,
America High Commission, India.
Phone: +91- 7066-004-785
He will process our expatriates their Valid travel papers from USA Embassy India, because we have sent all document required for your two years working permit visa application to USA embassy in India for Visa processing. This diplomat was appointed by the America High Commission to process our selected candidate's visa in India to avoid refusal or denial of Visa/ Permits by USA Embassy in your country. We urge you to comply and cooperate with him so as to Enable you to get your Valid USA Employment Visa,Work/ Residence Permit.
NOTE: that you are to bear your travel documents processing expenses upfront to prove your seriousness and commitment to work with our reputable organization. After your travel documents are ready, we shall proceed with the securing of your accommodation here in USA at the Company Estate, book your flight ticket and transfer to you. we must have confirmed your visa, your seriousness and willingness to join our team here in America.
Also remember that any Expenses you make on the process of registering your documents shall be refunded back to you. as you submit your expenses report. Be informed that once the process is completed your hard copies of AGREEMENT AND JOB OFFER LETTER will be delivered to you‚ via DHL Courier Service. We look forward to receive your signed copy of the AGREEMENT AND JOB OFFER LETTER for our confirmation to your acceptance of our Job Offer with the terms and conditions therein.
Contact the diplomat immediately to start your visa processing because you have to resume in office on 20th of February 2015. update us with the process between you and the Diplomat in charge of your Visa, in case of advice where necessary Congratulations!!!
Harry Jakson,
Human Resources Department
Date: Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 3:41 AM
To: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Ergon Inc.
2353 Haining Road
Warren, Vicksburg,
Mississippi, USA.
Phone: +16013519490
Attention xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I'm in receipt of your mail with the attached filled application form,we appreciate your interest and willingness to work in our company.
I gladly inform you of your good performance in the interview as we also appreciate your interest and willingness to work in our company. We have gone through your profile and your qualifications have made us to consider offering you the position of Administrative Executive because of your resume, but this position becomes official when the management have concluded. This will be coming up after you agree with the terms and condition of this company by signing this contract with us.
However, attached to this mail is Contract Agreement Letter, which you are to print, sign and return to us immediately for other official protocols, if you accept the conditions. You must know that we have few weeks of enrollment in our company with all the legal formalities being completed including the Visa and Ticket processing period. The Company has provided a free accommodation that befits family size not exceeding 6 occupants in its housing estate for its employee. This means that you are not providing any accommodation for yourself throughout the period of your employment.
Moreover, you are expected to follow the company's travelling policy. So for this reason you should take care of the Visa Fee. Your readiness with the Visa Fee will enable the US Attaché and US Visa Officials to facilitate the immediate processing of your visa application forms and other traveling documents without any delay.
Nevertheless, having read and accepted the norms and ethics of this Company/Contract Agreement, you are requested to send a scan copy of your certificates as proof of educational qualification alongside with acceptance of this contract for proper documentation.
Your certificates will help us to prepare the documents that will be sent to the Embassy in your Country for your visa application forms to be processed.
Best Regard
Mr. Andrew Stewart.
Senior Human Resource Manager.
Another scam.
This is an Affirmation that your Experiences and Qualifications were found suitably qualified for the requirements of ERGON OIL&GAS U.S.A. This document attached embodies the approved.
Terms for the purpose of this contract.
Now, you have to contact consular personnel appointed by The U.S.A EMBASSY in India with the copy of the appointment letter attach below for the procurement of your Valid Visa and work/residence permit papers as we are having a contract agreement with them for the easiest acquisition of employees necessary valid traveling document.
Now, you have to contact the consular for acquisition of your Visa, work/residence permit papers which will empower you to live and work in U.S.A also sign the AGREEMENT AND JOB OFFER LETTER and send to him. Note that you must inform him that you got the below attach AGREEMENT AND JOB OFFER LETTER from Ergon Oil&Gas U.S.ATHE DESIGNATED DIPLOMAT CONTACT DETAILS IS BELOW:
This is an Affirmation that your Experiences and Qualifications were found suitably qualified for the requirements of ERGON OIL&GAS U.S.A. This document attached embodies the approved.
Terms for the purpose of this contract.
Now, you have to contact consular personnel appointed by The U.S.A EMBASSY in India with the copy of the appointment letter attach below for the procurement of your Valid Visa and work/residence permit papers as we are having a contract agreement with them for the easiest acquisition of employees necessary valid traveling document.
Now, you have to contact the consular for acquisition of your Visa, work/residence permit papers which will empower you to live and work in U.S.A also sign the AGREEMENT AND JOB OFFER LETTER and send to him. Note that you must inform him that you got the below attach AGREEMENT AND JOB OFFER LETTER from Ergon Oil&Gas U.S.ATHE DESIGNATED DIPLOMAT CONTACT DETAILS IS BELOW:
Diplomat Edward Steve,
America High Commission, India.
Phone: +91- 7066-004-785
He will process our expatriates their Valid travel papers from USA Embassy India, because we have sent all document required for your two years working permit visa application to USA embassy in India for Visa processing. This diplomat was appointed by the America High Commission to process our selected candidate's visa in India to avoid refusal or denial of Visa/ Permits by USA Embassy in your country. We urge you to comply and cooperate with him so as to Enable you to get your Valid USA Employment Visa,Work/ Residence Permit.
NOTE: that you are to bear your travel documents processing expenses upfront to prove your seriousness and commitment to work with our reputable organization. After your travel documents are ready, we shall proceed with the securing of your accommodation here in USA at the Company Estate, book your flight ticket and transfer to you. we must have confirmed your visa, your seriousness and willingness to join our team here in America.
Also remember that any Expenses you make on the process of registering your documents shall be refunded back to you. as you submit your expenses report. Be informed that once the process is completed your hard copies of AGREEMENT AND JOB OFFER LETTER will be delivered to you‚ via DHL Courier Service. We look forward to receive your signed copy of the AGREEMENT AND JOB OFFER LETTER for our confirmation to your acceptance of our Job Offer with the terms and conditions therein.
Contact the diplomat immediately to start your visa processing because you have to resume in office on 20th of February 2015. update us with the process between you and the Diplomat in charge of your Visa, in case of advice where necessary Congratulations!!!
Harry Jakson,
Human Resources Department
thank you very much for this information even i' am nearly got scammed and recieved the same letter.
ReplyDeleteI got the below email and I hope the same is also a kind of scam.
ReplyDeleteFrom: Ergon Inc. USA ( Microsoft SmartScreen classified this message as junk.
Sent: 20 August 2015 03:23AM
Ergon Inc. USA is having Vacancies for international Employees from
all around the globe; interested applicants should send their
resume/CV to HRM:
im also received same offer letter
ReplyDeleteI got same of i have work as per thier instruction and verge of making Payments but due to GOD thust ,third sence I tried the Phone number on the letter but no body had Pick the Phone ,
ReplyDeleteThey People had treaten me file leagal action on refusal of the Payment made to an account Number which is not at relavant for ant Visa Payments and from account name and numbers It seems South African fraudant.
Thanks to God for avoiding crime
I hve also recievd the same
ReplyDeleteThis is the Email I got from ERGON Incorporated
ReplyDeleteERGON INC.
P.O. Box 1639 Jackson,
MS 39215-1639 USA
Phone: +1 (601) 345-2280
Attention Applicant:
We acknowledge your submitted Resume; we appreciate your interest in working with us at ERGON INC Mississippi USA.
We have openings in various area of specialization/discipline… To apply for any Position base on your area of specialization, kindly refer to the attached file labelled “EMPLOYMENT APPLICATION” Print the form and fill with a writing Pen, Scan and forward back to us via email or fax.
All instructions must be strictly adhered otherwise; cancellation of application may occur, therefore be careful and follow instruction. We shall provide free accommodation to successful applicant, free airline ticket, Visa fee refund on resumption, a starting salary of $12,300 US DOLLARS per month and other benefit.
Note that; you are eligible to submit your application letter for this opening only if you have your passport at hand or you have applied and will be release soon, and also, if you are ready to relocate to the United States…
Best Regard
HR. Manager,
Gary Stanford.
Ergon Inc.
Thank you for posting it! It is a scam! Read
ReplyDeleteP.O. Box 1639 Jackson,
MS 39215-1639 USA
Phone: +1 (601) 345-2280
Attention Victim
We acknowledge your submitted Resume; we appreciate your interest in working with us at ERGON INC Mississippi USA.
We have openings in various area of specialization/discipline… To apply for any Position base on your area of specialization, kindly refer to the attached file labelled “EMPLOYMENT APPLICATION” Print the form and fill with a writing Pen, Scan and forward back to us via email or fax.
All instructions must be strictly adhered otherwise; cancellation of application may occur, therefore be careful and follow instruction. We shall provide free accommodation to successful applicant, free airline ticket, Visa fee refund on resumption, a starting salary of $12,300 US DOLLARS per month and other benefit.
Note that; you are eligible to submit your application letter for this opening only if you have your passport at hand or you have applied and will be release soon, and also, if you are ready to relocate to the United States…
Best Regard
HR. Manager,
Gary Stanford.
Ergon Inc.
Application and Interview Form.pdf
358K View as HTML Scan and download
Here is another scam email
ReplyDeleteErgon oil and gas
P.O.Box 1639
Jackson, MS
39215-1639, USA
Human Relations Manager
Human Resources department Date: - 06-02-2019
Ergon oil and gas (U.S.A)
With reference to your application and subsequent online interview with the Ergon oil and gas
(U.S.A) we are pleased to offer you job in Ergon oil and gas, United State of America. The employment is
subjected to the following terms and conditions;
CONTRACT PERIOD: This contract will be valid for a period of Three years from the date of joining and is
renewable after the completion of the first 3years.
BasicSalary: ($ 7,000 (Monthly). $ 84,000 (Per Year).
Housing; Suitable housing facility will be provided by the Company.
Telephone; Telephone allowance will be given to you by the Company.
Medical; Medical coverage as per company rules and regulations shall be provided by the company.
Transport; Transport will be provided for official usage.
SettlementAllowance; $2000 and two months upfront salary on joining.
AnnualLeave; Annual leave of one calendar month for each complete year of employment will be
Allowed. This may be accumulated for two year and available together. Leave encashment may also be
permitted at management discretion.
Leavepassage; Return air passage airfare for economic class will be given to you and your family i.e.,
Wife/Husband and two children under the age of eighteen years.
Joining Expenses; You and your family (Wife and Husband with two Children up to the age of eighteen)
will be entitled to economy class air ticket.
VisaExpenses; You shall responsible for the Visa expenses but will be reimbursed on joining.
Bonus; Bonus mat be payable at the management discretion.
EducationExpenses; School fees up to Five thousand Dollars ($5,000) for 2 Children per annum for actual
fees will be your entitlement for your Children education. Expenses for uniforms, Textbooks, etc.; will be
Borne by you.
WORKINGHOURS: You shall be required to work Six hours in a day twenty eight hours per week.
TERMINATION: This contract can be terminated by either, *if you desire to leave this Job and the service
of this company, you shall be required to give a notice of 30 working days or 30 working days salary in
lieu of the notice thereof. In case of the termination of employment by the employer on disciplinary
ground, no notice period or compensation in lieu of the notice period is required to be given.
SECRECYCLAUSE: You shall not part with any of the information to any outside person or any
organization. Breach of this condition shall be considered as a serious offence which may necessitate
suitable action being taken by the company against you.
RESTRAINTOFEMPLOYMENT: You shall be restrained from taking any employment with any of our sister
company's competitors in USA unless company’s prior permission is obtained.
JOINING PERIOD: You are required to join this job 30days from the date of acceptance.
COMPENSATIONCLAUSE: In case you resign or otherwise wish to leave the service of the company before
completing one full year of service under any circumstances whatsoever, you shall compensate the
company for:
Joining expenses incurred by the company on you; and Three months salary (Salary that will be retained
up to two years as a security and after successful completion of two years shall be reimbursed.
With this contract, any past contract signed by you with us, with any of our Sister companies or with any
of our representatives are to be treated as null and void. You shall not have any objection to work, even if
you are transferred to any of our branches.
Sign Signature & Date
Harry Jakson
Human Resources dept.