Friday, July 10, 2015

Pacific Falcon Investment Ltd / Fake Project scam Fraud

From: Pacific Falcon Investment Ltd
Date: Sat, Jul 4, 2015 at 7:33 PM


My name is Mr. YU Kwok-chun Chief Investment Officer(CIO) to Pacific Falcon Investment Ltd, a private independent Financial/Investment/Broker and Consultant firm from Hong Kong. We are very interested in investing in new and emerging market opportunities in both in real estate and other sectors that will be capable of engendering a minimum of at least 7% annual return per capital invested in the company portfolio.

It is also important for you to note that my company is interested in investing in sole proprietorship businesses, small and medium sized privately owned companies with one owner and one director that can guarantee good returns, this is because their business activities are never exposed and never reflects however, We are open to work with most companies or individuals with good business ethics and also understand our position and circumstances, and must be willing to work under these conditions.

Funding of Projects is done only face to face and not online and the meeting is usually concluded in the Investor’s Bank either in Hong Kong, Dubai UAE or USA and there are no upfront online payments of fees.

We provide funding through Non-Recourse Loan Financing. My company will provide you any needed amount from $1 Million to $3 Billion Dollars and under Non-Recourse Loan Financing the Lender/My Investors are not allowed to pursue in taking over any Collateral or Asset used in borrowing other than the collateralize asset in any case of default and that is why we have developed a Finance Tailored made working mechanism in making the Borrower the Collateralize Asset called Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) and this SPV in its entirety will contain an SPV Account and SPV Bond that will be the Collateral which the investor is not allowed to pursue beyond its entirety in case of Default whereas in a normal Non-Recourse Loan financing you the Borrower will tender an asset that will be the Collateral which the investor will take in case of default even if the Collateral is not up to the value of the Loan amount unlike Recourse Financing whereby the investor will take beyond the collateral in any case of default if the collateral’s value is not up to the loaned amount owed in debt.

This is derived to hedge risks and as well to avoid the investor who is Asian in nature not to come up in conflict with the lending practices of his country laws which forbids lending with any interest and as well which forbids any attempt to take a Borrower’s property in case of default and which is considered Usury in Asians and as well a punishable financial offence.

Therefore for my company to make investment under Non-Recourse Lending at 3% +2%= 5% Fixed Interest Rate (FIR) a year under a Renewable 5 Year contract or more then the Borrower who is the Special Purpose Vehicle must agree to establish with my company after Contract signing an SPV Full Components which consists of SPV Account opening set up Logistics and SPV Insurance Bond Application all these are termed Contract Legalization Proceedings which will be functionally managed by Investor’s Preferred and Selected Bond Underwriters/Fund Managers and which will substitute any need for Borrower’s asset or Collateral and which the Investor can only take inin-case of default by the Borrower to repay his/her debts to the Lender and this is where the +2% to the original 3% yearly interest comes in because my company will be paid 3% yearly interest a year and while the 2% of the total investment amount will go yearly to the Bond Underwriters for yearly risk management Bond premiums making it a total of 5% of the total investment amount to be paid yearly on interest whereas 3% goes to the investor and 2% goes to the Underwriters as Bond Premiums for Risk Management of the SPV which may come from Losses that could arise from incomplete or inaccurate project information, error in predicting the parameters of the project, production and technological risk (risk of accidents, equipment failures, etc.), force majeure (natural disasters, war, etc.) and unpredictable behavior of competitors and customers.

Finally, should our working conditions and circumstances be acceptable to you, we will need the underwritten information:

1. Company Name:

2. Company Address:

3. Full Names:

4. Phone Number:

5. Brief Description of Project:

6. Investment Amount Needed:

7. Investment Duration: (How long would you need the Investment or loan??):

8. Level of Risks Involved in the Investment: (Brief Explanation of the risks involved, if low, medium or high):

9. You will also send your project executive summary or project feasibility study or business plan.

10. You will also send your Company’s Balance sheet which will be used for Bonds Application.

With the above information, we will be able to determine the potential of the project by working around these details relative to our area of expertise to be sure it does not exceed the expected risk factor and qualifies for funding based on the expected annual return on investment.

If the offer is acceptable to you then get back to us with the above listed information via email attachment, above all our Financial Bankers will be giving your company a verifiable proof of the Investment Deposit with our Apex Bank giving your company comfort level in knowing of our commitment in funding your Project.

Thank you for your anticipated co-operation and I look forward to your immediate response.


Mr YU Kwok-chun

Chief Investment Officer (CIO)

Pacific Falcon Investment Ltd (PFIL)
Address:7th Floor, New World Tower,
II 18 Queen's Road Central
Hong Kong.
Tel: +85258039679
Fax: +85258039679
Business Email:
Website :

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