Scammers Impersonating KINGS COLLEGE DUBAI (Fake Job Scam)
This is a fake job scam! There is no job! Do not send documents or money! If you are not interviewed face to face, in person, the job offer is Always a scam! If you are asked to pay fees for a visa or work permit or anything else, the job offer is a scam, even if they say they will reimburse you! No real company or embassy ever uses a free email address! With UAE job scams the fake job scammer usually sends you to a scam travel agency to collect fees. In the UAE, the employer is responsible for all employment fees. Don’t pay anything up front. Read Why Most Emails Offering Jobs Are Scams! to learn how to tell when a job offer is fake and Never Wire Money to Strangers! and Identifying Scam Websites! or click on the images below:

Read also Scam Alert: Fake UAE Job Offers!There are many West African scammers in UAE. Here is a Cameroonian fake job scammer in Dubai who has been identified as Eugene Armand Essombe. He is an example of who you could be dealing with and exactly how the scam works:Here are a list of more Cameroon scammers operating in the UAE.Tamanji Martin SuhFongon Dominic Tah Denco WhiteMbua Elvis LyongaTebeck Ransome AjeckEugene Armand EssombeList of identified Cameroon ScammersKINGS COLLEGE DUBAI (Fake Job Scam)53 Naif Road,Dubai, United Arab Emirates.TEL/FAX: +971-4364-0001Email: Scammers send you to this fake travel agency who asks you fir fake feesMR. HAMDAN SURAJHAMDAN TRAVEL AGENCYBlock 2, Room 15, Dubai International Airport,United Arab Emirates. TEL/FAX:+971-42028888hamdantravelagency@gmail.comFrom: HAMDAN TRAVEL AGENCY <>
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 2021 11:31:54 +0100
Subject: Re:xxxxxxxxxxx - Kings College Dubai
We offer International travel and tour services.
Thanks for contacting HAMDAN TRAVEL AGENCY for the processing of your family work visa/work permit and 2ways air tickets.
Under the present immigration law and policies, other than those having the Right of Abode (ROA) or the Right to Land (RTL) in the United Arab Emirates, all nationals are required to hold a valid work visa/work permit for the United Arab Emirates for whatever purpose (except in direct by air and when the person does not leave the airport transit area).
All non-Emirate citizens MUST be in possession of an work visa/work permit or exemption, issued by the Office of the Director of Immigration Services, before they can take up employment in United Arab Emirates, whether paid or unpaid.
Please you are advised to download and fill the attached BLANK application form and email it back to us together with the Photocopies of your International Passport and Refundable PROCESSING FEE of $1850USD Equivalent [PAYMENT RECEIPT] through
Please note that you are required to pay your Refundable processing fee through MoneyGRAM Transfer with below listed information so that we can receive your payment In other to fasten your application protocols otherwise your application will be rejected.
ADDRESS : Block 2, Room 15, Dubai International Airport, United Arab Emirates.
Find your nearest MoneyGRAM Transfer Agents or Banks through
For your information, your family work visa/work permit and 2ways air tickets will be processed and delivered to you by DHL SPEEDPOST within 2 working days upon receipt of all the above listed requirements..
The work visa/work permit label should be affixed onto a blank visa page of the applicant's International Passport for presentation to the immigration officer upon arrival in the United Arab Emirates.
I hope you will find the above information useful.
Sincerely yours,
Block 2, Room 15,
Dubai International Airport,
United Arab Emirates.
IMPORTANT: This email remains the property of the HAMDAN TRAVEL AGENCY and is subject to the jurisdiction of section 70 of the Crimes Act 1971. If you have received this email in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the email.
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Do not include identifying or contact information in your comment! Scammers read this blog. It is quicker to use the contact form if you have questions! Do not ask if a company or a job is a scam when it is already listed as a scam! Your comment will be ignored!