This is a fake job scam! There is no job! Do not send documents or money! Read The email address is fake! If you are not interviewed face to face, in person, the job offer is Always a scam!
From: CHCB
Date: Thu, Jan 21, 2016 at 2:09 PM
Subject: CHCB Hospital Application Form:
To: Victim
Date: Thu, Jan 21, 2016 at 2:09 PM
Subject: CHCB Hospital Application Form:
To: Victim
34 Benwood Avenue, Buffalo, New York, 14214
United States of America.
Dear Victim
We acknowledge the interest shown by you to work with Community Health Center of Buffalo, Inc. Hospitals United States of America. Your CV has been received and viewed by Recruitment Unit and your CV was found quiet interesting as it is matching the requirements needed by this Hospital.
However, you are eligible to submit this application form for this employment if and only your passport is at hand and you are ready to relocate to work in United States of America. Kindly fill the application form with pen and submit within 72 hrs of receipt.
NOTE: You will pay for your visa fee of 350 Dollars to the United States of America-immigration department to enable them secure an appointment for your visa. All these have to be in your names. This is the only cost you have to pay. Please do not accept the contract if you cannot afford to pay for your visa fee to the United States of America-Embassy when needed during your working visa processing.
Mr. Chris Vogelsang, CHCB Board Chair
Community Health Center of Buffalo, Inc.
United States of America.
Phone: +1.773.312.4088
Date: Mon, Jan 25, 2016 at 3:00 PM
Subject: CHCB Hospital Online Interview Form/Agreement Letter:
To: Victim
34 Benwood Avenue, Buffalo, New York, 14214
United States of America.
Attention Victim
Your name has been shortlisted/chosen among the lucky Candidates who successfully pass Community Health Center of Buffalo, Hospitals United States of America,Application process; we appreciate your interest and willingness to work in our Hospital.
We would have loved to conduct this interview with you on the phone, but considering the number of people we have to contact and the time involved in doing it, we have decided to interview you by email. You are advised to patiently follow our recruiting process as we proceed., we are pleased to offer you Employment in our reputed organization because of your Educational background and work experience.
Your Job Descriptions shall be made known to you after the training period of 6 months in this mail there is an attached Document called the Contract Agreement Letter/online Interview Form, which you have to print out,fill it and sign and return it back to us immediately for other Official Endorsement. Remember that you have only few weeks of enrollment in our Hospital with all the legal formalities being completed including the Visa and Ticket processing period. However, after receiving this Interview Form/Agreement Letter duly filled by handwriting and well signed by you, we shall contact you for Appointment/Offer Letter, added the directions on how to obtain your visa from the United States Immigration Officer in your Country, whom will be processing your working Visa Documents.
NOTE: All Applicants will take care of the Processing Fee of their Work Permit Visa and other relevant Document with United States Immigration Officer in American Embassy, Community Health Center of Buffalo, Hospitals United States of America will provide Flight Ticket and House Accommodation and all the Expenses Encored during their Traveling Document procurement will be reimburse within Five (5) days of your Arrival in the United States of America upon submission of all their receipt of expenses. Print out this Document and sign after reading it and send it back to us for Office use, waiting to receive this Interview Form/Agreement Letter dully sign as soon as possible.
Mr. Chris Vogelsang, CHCB Board Chair
Community Health Center of Buffalo, Inc.
United States of America.
Phone: +1.773.312.4088
Date: Wed, Jan 27, 2016 at 4:23 PM
Subject: Kindly Contact The Embassy For Your Visa Processing...You Have Been Appointed.
34 Benwood Avenue, Buffalo, New York, 14214
United States of America.
January 1/26/2015
Dear Victim
I am happy to inform you that you have been selected for the position of a ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT at Community Health Center of Buffalo Hospital United States of America. You were selected for the position based on your previous work experience and your impressive educational accomplishments. We are thrilled to offer you this position on our team. We are confident you will thrive professionally and personally while working for our organization.
You are scheduled to begin work on February 29; 2016.You will spend the morning of your first day in orientation classes at our orientation head office building, located at 34 Benwood Avenue Buffalo, New York,14214. Please arrive at 8:00 am. When you arrive, please check in at the reception desk and you will be given directions on where to go. Following lunch, a team member will escort you to your new work area and introduce you to your new co-workers. You shall be briefed about our dress code.
I have contacted the United States of America Immigration office here in America and have submitted all documents needed for the processing of your working visa and Copies of the same documents have also been faxed to the United States Immigration service in India.
It was clearly stated to me that the screening process for getting a United States of America working Visa at the moment is very hard for Dubai citizen base on the fact that many would not want to go back when their visa or work permit get expired, as such much documents will be needed from you as prove that you will return back on due time, and the process will take over 4 week for the working visa to be ready.
Because of the express travelling approval of your working Visa and considering the documents that may be required from you to be presented by the America embassy and the nature of interview that you might face, the time of Visa delay, which might not be all that favorable to you, thereby resulting to refusal of the visa to you. With the help of our Hospital Lawyer, I was able to make contact with the America embassy senior representative in India (Hon. (Mr) Joseph M. Pomper) and have concluded all arrangements with him to assist you for fast approval of your working Visa without much delay and long visa protocol. You are to contact him via email as soon as possible with the following documents.
1. Your permanent resident addresses
2. Your signed Contract Agreement Letter.
3. Copy of your international Passport.
4. Your Passport size Photograph
5. Mobile number
Below are his details;
Name: Hon. (Mr) Joseph M. Pomper
Phone: +91-8826541082
Address: Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra East, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400051. India
Office hours: 0900-1700 hrs
Contact him as soon as possible, because I would want you to resume work on or before 29th of February. Always keep me posted with every information and level you attain on your Visa process.
Wish you the best of luck; always feel free to call me.
Best Regards,
Mr. Chris Vogelsang, CHCB Board Chair
Community Health Center of Buffalo, Inc.
United States of America.
Any request for money to be sent via Western Union is always a scam!
Date: Thu, Jan 28, 2016 at 2:55 PM
To: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Attn: Victim
We received your message with which all your information has been well noted. I received a number of documents here in my office from your Company Management in United States of America (Community Health Center of Buffalo, Inc. Hospitals)
However, I was directed by your company management as the Principal Migration Officer U.S. Embassy, in India to help you open your file and obtain some number of papers here on your behalf to enable you get Visa and other relevant travelling Documents in the U.S. Embassy of Dubai through the U.S. Council schedules. But you have to make your registration through my assistance.
The Registration in the office for application of the entire documents will cost you the sum of (350) Dollars. This will help me to register your name here so that you will be recognized by the U.S. Council Officials and to enable me open your file and proceed with those required travelling documents.
So I urge you to proceed and make the payment for the Registration and inform me. As soon as we confirmed the payment of your registration, your files will be opened immediately and I will proceed with those required documents. As soon as the entire required document is secured, Appointment will be granted to you to visit our office in Dubai for signatory of all relevant documents that will be secured by me on your behalf.
Moreover, you should prepare yourself for meeting day in our office over there in Dubai. We shall grant you an appointment for a meeting in our office. After opening your files and secure all the required document, the date of the meeting will be announced to you. I believe that with my influence in the office, I will guide your documentations and make sure you join the company as soon as possible. So you should be fast in this arrangement as the time of closure of enrollment is fast approaching.
The below attachments is your U.S. visa application form, which you have to print out and fill it and send it back to me. With the required documents as well as your registration fee..... This will enable me commence on your documentations.
Finally, kindly scan and send to me the following documents via this e-mail address:
(1) Your International passport Copy (first and second pages).
(2) Your two passport photograph.
(3) Your current residence address and direct contact number
(4) One copy of photo ID proof, Pan card/Driving License/ Election card, set of
(5) Your education certificate (HSC/UG/PG)..........All the attachments must appear in colored.
All these information's will enable me to proceed with your documentation and they will prove that you are the right candidate whose travelling documents (Visa, work/Residence Permit) is to be secured.
Receivers Name: NATHAN DANIEL
Address: INDIA
Amount: $350 USD
We await your response as soon as possible. Always contact me on this email or through my phone number for more information.
Thanks and Regards,
Hon. (Mr) Joseph M. Pomper
Date: Thu, Jan 28, 2016 at 2:55 PM
To: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Attn: Victim
We received your message with which all your information has been well noted. I received a number of documents here in my office from your Company Management in United States of America (Community Health Center of Buffalo, Inc. Hospitals)
However, I was directed by your company management as the Principal Migration Officer U.S. Embassy, in India to help you open your file and obtain some number of papers here on your behalf to enable you get Visa and other relevant travelling Documents in the U.S. Embassy of Dubai through the U.S. Council schedules. But you have to make your registration through my assistance.
The Registration in the office for application of the entire documents will cost you the sum of (350) Dollars. This will help me to register your name here so that you will be recognized by the U.S. Council Officials and to enable me open your file and proceed with those required travelling documents.
So I urge you to proceed and make the payment for the Registration and inform me. As soon as we confirmed the payment of your registration, your files will be opened immediately and I will proceed with those required documents. As soon as the entire required document is secured, Appointment will be granted to you to visit our office in Dubai for signatory of all relevant documents that will be secured by me on your behalf.
Moreover, you should prepare yourself for meeting day in our office over there in Dubai. We shall grant you an appointment for a meeting in our office. After opening your files and secure all the required document, the date of the meeting will be announced to you. I believe that with my influence in the office, I will guide your documentations and make sure you join the company as soon as possible. So you should be fast in this arrangement as the time of closure of enrollment is fast approaching.
The below attachments is your U.S. visa application form, which you have to print out and fill it and send it back to me. With the required documents as well as your registration fee..... This will enable me commence on your documentations.
Finally, kindly scan and send to me the following documents via this e-mail address:
(1) Your International passport Copy (first and second pages).
(2) Your two passport photograph.
(3) Your current residence address and direct contact number
(4) One copy of photo ID proof, Pan card/Driving License/ Election card, set of
(5) Your education certificate (HSC/UG/PG)..........All the attachments must appear in colored.
All these information's will enable me to proceed with your documentation and they will prove that you are the right candidate whose travelling documents (Visa, work/Residence Permit) is to be secured.
Receivers Name: NATHAN DANIEL
Address: INDIA
Amount: $350 USD
We await your response as soon as possible. Always contact me on this email or through my phone number for more information.
Thanks and Regards,
Hon. (Mr) Joseph M. Pomper
My frnd also got all this mails.thnks for u post good job dear