This is a fake job scam! Read to learn how to spot fake job scams! No real company offers you a job without an in person, face to face interview and no real company makes you pay any money even for a visa!Immediate employment opportunity

ATTN: Compliments; Asco Oil and Gas Technology want to inform you that we
are hiring candidates that will work with Asco Oil and Gas Technology Limited
Under the job Identification Number UK/AET/12979-15. The total recruitment
will be 215 applicants. Minimum Age requirements are 18-years and above.
Capable and Interested Individual are to send their resumes and details of
experiences to
( )
Best Regard,
Craig Lennox
Chief Executive Officer

ATTN: Compliments; Asco Oil and Gas Technology want to inform you that we
are hiring candidates that will work with Asco Oil and Gas Technology Limited
Under the job Identification Number UK/AET/12979-15. The total recruitment
will be 215 applicants. Minimum Age requirements are 18-years and above.
Capable and Interested Individual are to send their resumes and details of
experiences to
( career.ascooilandgas@engineer.
Best Regard,
Craig Lennox
Chief Executive Officer
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