Monday, July 13, 2015

Beatrice Lovells / Fake Job Scam Fraud

This is a fake job scam!  Read

+2 010 99 ********
Attn: Job applicant

This is to inform you that some 5 star hotels are currently recruiting immigrants to work in UK. Positions include;

Front Desk Clerks(receptionist), Porters, Concierges, Housekeeping, Room Service, Waiter/Waitress, Kitchen Staff(cooks,Dishwasher etc), Supervisor of Guest Services, Front Desk Supervisor, Parking Facilities Attendant, Gym attendant/instructor, Chauffeur, Housekeeping Supervisor, Kitchen Manager, Restaurant Manager, Executive Chef, Laundry attendant, Bartenders, Laundry manager, Security Guard, Storeroom Person, Marketing and Advertising, Accounting, Purchasing manager, Event Planner, Assistant Hotel Manager, Hotel Manager and many more.

Are you a male or a female, are you a skilled worker or an unskilled worker? There are wonderful opportunites now for you to launch a career in the hotel industry with very little education or experience, although some starting positions may require a degree. Most jobs in the hotel industry are service jobs: you will be meeting the needs of guests and should enjoy working with all kinds of people. Even with little education, we can get you a job here in UK.

The salary is mouth watering plus it comes with free accommodation. If you are interested, we can shortlist and select you as one of the people to benefit from the wonderful opportunity. First you have to send your CV/Resume to.Mrs.Beatrice Lovells at;

so we can match you with the best position as you desire. 

I look forward to hearing from you.

Dear xxxx

We are pleased to receive your email indicating interest in applying for a hotel job here in UK.I am Mrs.Beatrice Lovells and i work with the UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI).

We recruit job applicants directly with hotels that have vacancies. Most jobs in the hotel industry are service jobs so with very little education or experience we can get you good paying jobs. We receive well over 200 emails daily from people all over the world seeking employment here but the real question is;


We have found that many job seekers are never really ready; Family ties and bonds, Job ties and commitment. So at the end of the day we just waste our time and effort. So the key questions are;

1. Do you have a valid international passport? Many people write us for jobs in UK yet they do not even have international passports.

2. Are you married? Do you have children? Will your family allow you come to UK? Once we get you a job here, you are entitled to bring your family. But from experience we have discovered that some family members are unwilling to move with their spouse or some children are unwilling to relocate so this becomes a hindrance.

3. Are you working? How much notice will you give to your current employer before you can terminate your current appointment?

The only way to legally work in UK is to have a work permit because without a work permit, you cannot work in UK and it is our responsibility to guide you through the necessary steps.

Your employer will pay for your (A) work permit (B) Visa (C) Flight ticket (D) you will have free accommodation in the staff quarters all through your employment (E) He will also give you a sponsorship letter.

But the real question is; are you sure that you are ready? Once you can answer questions; 1 to 3 sincerely - sincere to yourself and sincere to us, then we can work together.

Note that we are recruiting you directly to your employer and you are receiving your salaries directly from your employer. There are no bonds or ties. Once you reply we will send you an interview form that you will fill and send back along with your CV. We will send it to your employers and they will match you with a position.

They will send us details of the matching position and we will relate it to you via your email. Once you accept the position, we will send you a courier containing;

4 The hotel's booklet containing full package of the position they are offering you including benefits, leave period etc. It will also contain the hotel's human resource personnel’s contact information. You will have to contact them for an interview (they will advice you if it will be by phone, Skype or otherwise). They will evaluate you for the position.

5 The courier will also contain forms for health insurance so you can get free medicals when you arrive UK.

6 The courier will also contain forms for medicals which you will take to the UK embassy close to you, so you can also do your medicals when you go for your visa processing.

7 The courier will also contain national insurance processing forms so you can open an account to receive your salary and pay tax on your income once you arrive UK and eventually protects your pension, savings interest, tax refunds.

8 There will also be a number that you will quote when you call the human resource personnel so he will know that you are from me.

Your employer is paying for your VISA, TICKET AND ACCOMMODATION. You just need to have a valid international passport. I look forward to your immediate response.

Mrs. Beatrice Lovells 


Thank you for your response. Attached with this email is an interview form containing questions that you should read carefully before you provide answers. Note that this interview form will be submitted to your potential employer so please fill carefully. This same interview form will make up part of the documents that we will submit to process your visa and work permit.

A. Kindly confirm the UK embassy closest to to you. Let me have the address

B. Have you been to UK before, if yes, when?

C. Do you have an accommodation in UK, if yes where

1. You will fill in the form, scan and send back with PDF along with your CV/resume. Note where you are asked who will be your sponsor, please fill...EMPLOYER

2. Upon receiving the interview form, i will send it to the hotel's human resource manager and they will use the form and your CV to get you a matching position.

3. Once they inform me of the matching position with the salary, i will send it to you. You will review and email me back and confirm that you accept it.

4. Then i will send you a courier with the hotel's booklet containing full package of the position they are offering you. This will include full benefits,leave period etc. It will also contain the hotel's human resource personnel’s contact information so that you will contact them for your interview and evaluation (they will advice you if it will be by phone, Skype or otherwise). Note that they will also want to know if you are coming with your family and how many they are (you must be very truthful with them). They will issue you and employment letter after they are satisfied with the evaluation.

5. You will need health insurance so you can get free medicals when you arrive UK, we will get the forms that you will fill and send back. You will need national insurance, we will also get the processing forms that you will fill and send back so you can open an account to receive your salary and pay tax on your income once you arrive UK and eventually protects your pension, savings interest, tax refunds. The courier will also contain forms for medicals which you will take to the UK embassy close to you, so you can also do your medicals when you go for your visa processing. There will also be a number that you will quote when you call the human resource personnel so he will know that you are from me.

6. You will send me 150 pounds only. This money will cover for the courier charges and national insurance and health insurance papers that i will get that will be included in the courier. We will use FEDEX or DHL so we are sure you will get it in 3 days.

7. Once you receive the courier, you will call the hotel for interview and evaluation. Your employer is paying for your VISA, TICKET AND ACCOMMODATION.

Please note that this is not a trial and error process. I usually do not like boasting but i can boast about this; we have brought many people into UK. You do not need to have a fantastic CV or qualification as many of the jobs are service jobs and you will undergo some training by the hotel.

Read through, fill the agreement and send back with your CV. Do not forget that i need answers to A,B, C above.


Mrs.Beatrice Lovells

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