541 Jefferson Avenue, Suite 204
Redwood City, CA 94063, USA.
TEL :+16463960409
TEL : +13123800491
We shall be welcoming you as one of our employees and hope that you will find your employment with us satisfactory. We are pleased to present to you with the following employment terms and conditions guarding the management and the staff working under the company : 1. DATE OF COMMENCEMENT Your starting date with our company, will be stipulated on the intent appointment letter if you are successfully appointed. Your Probation Period with BESABA CONSTRUCTION COMPANY , will be TWO (2) years from the date of commencement . 2. SALARY Your starting basic monthly salary after tax will be 4,500 USD per Month which may be received before 28th of every Month. Any bonus or declarations of bonus shall be made at the sole and absolute discretion of the Company. In determining the amount of bonus, the Company shall consider your work performance, amongst other factors. Your performance will be reviewed periodically and the Company shall make adjustments to your salary as it sees fit. You are entitled to transport allowance, medical care support and free accommodation that befit family size not exceeding 3 occupants. 3. Visa Procurement The Company shall send all the essential documents and appoint United State Immigration to assist you in getting your entry clearance from the United State Council in your country. In line with company policy on international applicants, Besaba Construction shall bear the cost of securing your entry clearance and shall provides air ticket for international staffs only. 4. WORKING HOURS
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Scam Email From Scammer Impersonating Embassy Official
ATTENTION, You Passport and your visa will be registered by our company under the Home Ministry Affairs (Immigration Office) here in USA immediately you arrive on the 20 April 2015, for important reasons. You are hereby advised to contact Mr. RACHEL NATASHA, an immigration officer working under USA Embassy in India for the procurement of your Visa and working permit. Forward this letter to him. We have forwarded your documents needed on our side to him for him to assist you. This is Mr. RACHEL NATASHA,
Mobil number. +919643024359 and also you are advice to forward this letter to the US EMBASSY MAIL (usembassyvisaprocess@usa.com). Please state it clear to him that you got his number from ‘’Besaba construction Ltd ‘’ for visa procurement process. He will be expecting you to contact him.
TEL: +16463960409.
TEL: +13123800491
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