This a fake job scam! Read
House 34, Hill Of Rubislaw, Aberdeen, AB15 6XL,
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 701 0047 249
Fax: +44 701 0047 219
VAT NO: 9231628 39. Client code /DMC/CNL/ Vol. 2013
Ref: Offer of Employment
Dated On: 28th, March, 2014.
Nationality: India.
Passport xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Dear [Employee]: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
On behalf of the Chevron Oil and Gas Company, UK, Limited, we are pleased to offer you the position of [Web Designer] under (Section3) Information Technology Department [Onshore] contingent on the successful completion of your CV background and Interview answers screening. The salary for this position is [£3,200.GBP [PER MONTHLY SALARY] or in Thirty days of the month and daily rate for some non-exempt employees] [For non-exempt employees: additional day (SUNDAY) compensation will be based on your daily rate of (full-time, monthly salary £3,200GBP ÷ (Daily for 8 Hours £106.66.GBP) ÷ (Per Hour £13.33.GBP) ÷ (Annually £38,400.GBP) for employees or those on alternative work schedules, Your expected starting date of employment is contingent on the successful completion of your background screening but at present we have opted for 10th, May, 2014 to enable you arrange yourself and your home before your departure from your Country [department may include other factors on which this date is contingent]. Please report to [Chevron Oil and Gas Company UK, Ltd, House 34 London on 10th, May, 2014, by 10:00am British Local Time]. Note, you are to comply and complete the UK Border Agency Home Office London requirements and formalities and obtain your travelling documents, such as visa and working permit before 10th, of April, 2014 and failing to do so, will result into termination of your appointment. Wherein, your position will be replace with another outstanding and serious candidate that seek for the same position we offered to you. [The department may inform the job candidate of the Company Compensation job title or the internal working title, or both.]
Title: [Web Designer]
Department: [Under (Section3) IT Department [Onshore] Location: Chevron Oil and Gas Company UK, Ltd, House 34 London. Contract Duration: Three (3) Years. Type: Renewable.
Annual Salary: £ 38, 400.GBP (Thirty Eight Thousand Four Hundred Great British Pounds)
Joining Date: 10th, May, 2014.
In addition to the successful completion of the background screening, this offer is contingent upon your signing both an agreement that the employment relationship is at-will and an arbitration agreement. Both agreements are enclosed for your signature to be returned to me along with a signed copy of this letter. [The department may cite department or job specific requirements such as certifications, licenses, etc.] [The department also may cite important departmental policies and fulfillment of policies specific to the position (for example, drug testing policies for drivers of Company vehicles) in the following paragraph.] Should you accept this contingent offer, your continued employment will require both satisfactory job performance and compliance with existing and future Company and departmental policy.
Your compliance with C.O.G.C. policy includes the responsibility to respect the highest level of privacy for all members of the C.O.G.C. community. Because many of our Company and staff handle a variety of proprietary and private information concerning employees, directors, managers, producers, investors, and others associated with the Company, protecting privacy is the responsibility of all C.O.G.C. employees. Therefore, a further condition of your employment is that you agree to not disclose or discuss any confidential information obtained from the C.O.G.C. or departmental records, either during or after employment with the C.O.G.C. (unless such disclosure is a normal requirement of your position and has been authorized). This includes, but is not limited to, intellectual property, proprietary trade information, staff, payroll figures, and personal data such as employee home addresses. You also will be required to verify your eligibility to work in the Chevron House 34 United Kingdom. Also enclosed is a list of acceptable documents. At C.O.G.C. Employee Orientation, you will be provided with information about your eligibility for employee benefits, the enrollment process, and the effective dates of coverage. Your enrollment in benefits programs for which you are eligible must be completed within the first 60 days of your employment or you must wait until the next open enrollment period. Your supervisor will schedule you to attend orientation within your first three weeks of employment. You will need to provide certified documentation for any dependents you wish to include in benefits programs. I am pleased that you are joining the C.O.G.C. and hope you will find your employment with C.O.G.C. to be a rewarding experience. If you have any questions, please call me at [00447087641547].
Please signify your acceptance of my Offer by signing this Offer Letter and the following Terms and Conditions Agreement Letter and returning to me the enclosed copy of this letter along with the signed arbitration and at-will agreements [other signed documents required by this chambers] no later than [31-March-2014]. Therefore, sign this Offer Letter and the following Employment Terms and Conditions Contract Agreement Letter. You will contact the UK Border Agency Home Office London and obtain your visa and working permit by fulfilling their requirements and fees as we mentioned in Terms Agreement Letter.
………………………………………… …………………………….…………………….
[Mr. Roland David] [Barrister Paul Victor]
Recruiting Department Officer. HR Divisional Advocated
28th, March, 2014
NAME: ……………………………………………………....
DATE: …………………………………………….…………
SIGNATURE: ………………………………………………
ADDRESS: …………………………………………………...
TEL: ………………………………………………………….
All Right Reserved by the Chevron Oil and Gas Company UK Limited, London
Fake Contract
House 34, Hill Of Rubislaw,
Aberdeen, AB15 6XL,
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 701 0047 249
Fax: +44 701 0047 219
VAT NO: 9231628 39. Client code /DMC/CNL001/ Vol. 2013
MR. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx India Nationality.
THIS SERVICE AGREEMENT is made on the 28TH....Day…..of…MARCH…2014, C.O.G.C.UK. Ltd, incorporated under the law of Britain (hereinafter referred to as „PARTY A‟ for which expressions shall be where the context so admits include its successors-in-title and assigns) of the Chevron Oil And Gas Company, UK. (Ltd). (Here in after referred to as the “EMPLOYEE” jointly of the other part. Here in after referred to “PARTY B.” PARTY B / EMPLOYEE represents and holds out to PARTY A that it has the technical competence for carrying out all the services and obligations specified in this letter to with recruiting employees and have agreed to carry out same in accordance with the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth. EMPLOYEE has agreed to provide his expatriate services to PARTY A.
Your traveling documentation‟s process will be done by you through our UK Immigration home office, London affiliated to UK Border Agency, London. You will have to process your traveling documents yourself, because we had enough experience from previous candidates in the past. Last year 40 people were employed and their traveling documents, Work -Resident permit was processed and paid by the company, but after the Employment we only received eighteen people for the job, where, others went away with our traveling papers and we had major loss. So, that is the reason why we have decided to State our terms and conditions first to our employees and you will pay the sum of £398.GBP to UK Border Agency Home Office, London, according to the New Policy of this reputed Company.
You are expected to put in your best in your area of work and department and also note that we employed you as per the position that you applied for in your resume. You will be enlightened more about your job that will be given to you by your departmental General Manager, when you resume work in UK.
MR. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
This contract shall be for a period of 36 months beginning from May, 10th, 2014 and shall continue from that date until terminated within this agreement.
PARTY B / EMPLOYEE undertakes with PARTY A:
To perform such duties and exercise such powers as it‟s assigned to and vested in PARTY B / EMPLOYEE
To comply with all directions given by PARTY A.
To do all other things in the ordinary course of business which PARTY A reasonably considers necessary or proper in its interest.
To act loyally and faithfully to PARTY A.
Not to do anything harmful to PARTY A.
PARTY B / EMPLOYEE shall at all times keep PARTY A informed promptly and fully in writing of its conduct of the business of this contract and any matter which is likely to be used or benefitted to PARTY A in relation to the business of this benefit to PARTY A explanations connected in the same vein as PARTY A required.
PARTY A shall pay to EMPLOYEE on satisfactory performance of the services stated in the sum of £3, 200.00 GBP/month basic salary, or equivalent depending on EMPLOYEE‟S home country and currency preference. It will be a salary based on complete 30 days of each month. Any day excluded due to personal problem (day off) will be a deduction in pay for that day and be the same for the employee. The sum of £3, 200.00 GBP/month is the basic salary. (AFTER TDS) and increasable within period of Six Months, base on the employee performance within the Six months period
PARTY A shall pay EMPLOYEE for the services rendered under this
agreement by cheque/cash presented on a monthly basis.
The sum of £2,200.00 GBP shall be paid to you for personal effects, shipment and excess baggage allowance.
Chevron Oil & Gas Company shall provide you access to some of the finest social and recreational facilities in UK
Chevron Oil & Gas Company will provide the employee with comprehensive health care for the terms of contract and follow-on care for injuries suffered during the term of contract for employee and family if on family statute.
Complete meals will be provided for you as deemed appropriate and security.
Accommodation will be single pertaining on the rank of designation and group on rank of designation with a Company Car and Driver and other home services.
After a given period of 3 months of sincere completion the employee according to his perfect designation has a boost-up of having his family accompany him in his stay in UK and further also get his children educated here where the accommodation, stay, food and school expenses which will be borne by the company for the same (If he/she is a family man//woman- married). But, if any kind of wrong influence and failing to please the company for the same, this benefit will stand cancelled and will come to affect after a long period of time.
A £2,150.00 flat rate travel/entertainment allowance shall be paid by your employer for each international trip. Travel shall be by business/first class. However for the purpose of commencement, the cost of travel ticket shall be paid in addition to travel/entertainment allowance. Cost shall be substantiated and shall be the rate charged at the period/time of employees. Travel ticket including that of employees‟ family only on employees‟ early notification to employer and as shall be requested by employee.
Employee shall also be entitled to maximum security including members of the state security service in housing community.
The employee will be reimbursed by the employer for reasonable moving expense incurred only as a result of relocation or early termination of leases, storage charges: procurement of travel documents, such as Visa and Working Permit, immunization etc. Reimbursements shall be paid not more than five (5) working days from submission of report / and receipt as proof of payments by employee.
Your work schedule is rotational; that is, you will work Onshore for 28 days and then will be offshore for 2 days in a month and you are entitled for Two Months leave per year.
Advance salary is not allowed and cannot be paid to employee until he/she resume at duty post and your travelling documents processing charges cannot be deduct from your salary.
Save, as otherwise specifically stated in a superseding document, the project administrator of PARTY A, shall maintain general administration and management of this contract on behalf of PARTY A and all correspondences relating or pertaining with this agreement should be made, forwarded, addressed to same.
PARTY B / EMPLOYEE agree to indemnify PARTY A in respect of any third party claims arising from PARTY B‟s performance of this contract.
This agreement shall not be assigned or transferred in part of whole by due to termination of same any party to this agreement without prior written consent of the other party, which consent shall not unreasonably be withheld. Notwithstanding any of the afore mentioned obligations, terms and conditions neither party shall be deemed, considered in default of any of its obligations under this agreement as a result of “Force Majeure”, but if an interruption of performing the obligations under this agreement as a result of “Force Majeure‟ condition for a period more than one month; PARTY A shall pay EMPLOYEE only 70% of the amount stated as salary in this agreement as standby or agreement termination fee.
PARTY A shall in the event of default or non-compliance of PARTY B/EMPLOYEE with the terms and conditions of this agreement; in writing give
notice to PARTY B/EMPLOYEE specifying the areas of default and PARTY B / EMPLOYEE shall upon receipt of the said notice have ten (10) calendar days to rectify to the satisfaction of PARTY A the said default.
This agreement may be terminated:
At the expiration of each current term subject to renewal, if PARTY B / EMPLOYEE commits any serious or persistent breach or default
Under “FORCE MAJEURE” as provided for in paragraph 2.0 of this agreement for reason of bankruptcy of either party.
………………………………… …… ……… ……………….……………………. [Mr. Roland David] [Barrister Paul Victor]
Recruiting Department Officer. HR Divisional Advocated
NAME: …………………………………………………….... DATE: …………………………………………….………… SIGNATURE: ………………………………………………
ADDRESS: …………………………………………………... TEL: …………………………………………………………. All Right Reserved by the Chevron Oil and Gas Company UK Limited, London
There are no exceptions! Don't
let a scammers convince you otherwise! A scammer is only as smart as
his victim is naive! If something sounds too good to be true, it is a
scam! Always "Google" all telephone numbers, email addresses
and websites in any job offer to see if it has already been posted as a

House 34, Hill Of Rubislaw, Aberdeen, AB15 6XL,
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 701 0047 249
Fax: +44 701 0047 219
VAT NO: 9231628 39. Client code /DMC/CNL/ Vol. 2013
Ref: Offer of Employment
Dated On: 28th, March, 2014.
Nationality: India.
Passport xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Dear [Employee]: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
On behalf of the Chevron Oil and Gas Company, UK, Limited, we are pleased to offer you the position of [Web Designer] under (Section3) Information Technology Department [Onshore] contingent on the successful completion of your CV background and Interview answers screening. The salary for this position is [£3,200.GBP [PER MONTHLY SALARY] or in Thirty days of the month and daily rate for some non-exempt employees] [For non-exempt employees: additional day (SUNDAY) compensation will be based on your daily rate of (full-time, monthly salary £3,200GBP ÷ (Daily for 8 Hours £106.66.GBP) ÷ (Per Hour £13.33.GBP) ÷ (Annually £38,400.GBP) for employees or those on alternative work schedules, Your expected starting date of employment is contingent on the successful completion of your background screening but at present we have opted for 10th, May, 2014 to enable you arrange yourself and your home before your departure from your Country [department may include other factors on which this date is contingent]. Please report to [Chevron Oil and Gas Company UK, Ltd, House 34 London on 10th, May, 2014, by 10:00am British Local Time]. Note, you are to comply and complete the UK Border Agency Home Office London requirements and formalities and obtain your travelling documents, such as visa and working permit before 10th, of April, 2014 and failing to do so, will result into termination of your appointment. Wherein, your position will be replace with another outstanding and serious candidate that seek for the same position we offered to you. [The department may inform the job candidate of the Company Compensation job title or the internal working title, or both.]
Title: [Web Designer]
Department: [Under (Section3) IT Department [Onshore] Location: Chevron Oil and Gas Company UK, Ltd, House 34 London. Contract Duration: Three (3) Years. Type: Renewable.
Annual Salary: £ 38, 400.GBP (Thirty Eight Thousand Four Hundred Great British Pounds)
Joining Date: 10th, May, 2014.
In addition to the successful completion of the background screening, this offer is contingent upon your signing both an agreement that the employment relationship is at-will and an arbitration agreement. Both agreements are enclosed for your signature to be returned to me along with a signed copy of this letter. [The department may cite department or job specific requirements such as certifications, licenses, etc.] [The department also may cite important departmental policies and fulfillment of policies specific to the position (for example, drug testing policies for drivers of Company vehicles) in the following paragraph.] Should you accept this contingent offer, your continued employment will require both satisfactory job performance and compliance with existing and future Company and departmental policy.
Your compliance with C.O.G.C. policy includes the responsibility to respect the highest level of privacy for all members of the C.O.G.C. community. Because many of our Company and staff handle a variety of proprietary and private information concerning employees, directors, managers, producers, investors, and others associated with the Company, protecting privacy is the responsibility of all C.O.G.C. employees. Therefore, a further condition of your employment is that you agree to not disclose or discuss any confidential information obtained from the C.O.G.C. or departmental records, either during or after employment with the C.O.G.C. (unless such disclosure is a normal requirement of your position and has been authorized). This includes, but is not limited to, intellectual property, proprietary trade information, staff, payroll figures, and personal data such as employee home addresses. You also will be required to verify your eligibility to work in the Chevron House 34 United Kingdom. Also enclosed is a list of acceptable documents. At C.O.G.C. Employee Orientation, you will be provided with information about your eligibility for employee benefits, the enrollment process, and the effective dates of coverage. Your enrollment in benefits programs for which you are eligible must be completed within the first 60 days of your employment or you must wait until the next open enrollment period. Your supervisor will schedule you to attend orientation within your first three weeks of employment. You will need to provide certified documentation for any dependents you wish to include in benefits programs. I am pleased that you are joining the C.O.G.C. and hope you will find your employment with C.O.G.C. to be a rewarding experience. If you have any questions, please call me at [00447087641547].
Please signify your acceptance of my Offer by signing this Offer Letter and the following Terms and Conditions Agreement Letter and returning to me the enclosed copy of this letter along with the signed arbitration and at-will agreements [other signed documents required by this chambers] no later than [31-March-2014]. Therefore, sign this Offer Letter and the following Employment Terms and Conditions Contract Agreement Letter. You will contact the UK Border Agency Home Office London and obtain your visa and working permit by fulfilling their requirements and fees as we mentioned in Terms Agreement Letter.
………………………………………… …………………………….…………………….
[Mr. Roland David] [Barrister Paul Victor]
Recruiting Department Officer. HR Divisional Advocated
28th, March, 2014
NAME: ……………………………………………………....
DATE: …………………………………………….…………
SIGNATURE: ………………………………………………
ADDRESS: …………………………………………………...
TEL: ………………………………………………………….
All Right Reserved by the Chevron Oil and Gas Company UK Limited, London
Fake Contract
House 34, Hill Of Rubislaw,
Aberdeen, AB15 6XL,
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 701 0047 249
Fax: +44 701 0047 219
VAT NO: 9231628 39. Client code /DMC/CNL001/ Vol. 2013
MR. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx India Nationality.
THIS SERVICE AGREEMENT is made on the 28TH....Day…..of…MARCH…2014, C.O.G.C.UK. Ltd, incorporated under the law of Britain (hereinafter referred to as „PARTY A‟ for which expressions shall be where the context so admits include its successors-in-title and assigns) of the Chevron Oil And Gas Company, UK. (Ltd). (Here in after referred to as the “EMPLOYEE” jointly of the other part. Here in after referred to “PARTY B.” PARTY B / EMPLOYEE represents and holds out to PARTY A that it has the technical competence for carrying out all the services and obligations specified in this letter to with recruiting employees and have agreed to carry out same in accordance with the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth. EMPLOYEE has agreed to provide his expatriate services to PARTY A.
Your traveling documentation‟s process will be done by you through our UK Immigration home office, London affiliated to UK Border Agency, London. You will have to process your traveling documents yourself, because we had enough experience from previous candidates in the past. Last year 40 people were employed and their traveling documents, Work -Resident permit was processed and paid by the company, but after the Employment we only received eighteen people for the job, where, others went away with our traveling papers and we had major loss. So, that is the reason why we have decided to State our terms and conditions first to our employees and you will pay the sum of £398.GBP to UK Border Agency Home Office, London, according to the New Policy of this reputed Company.
You are expected to put in your best in your area of work and department and also note that we employed you as per the position that you applied for in your resume. You will be enlightened more about your job that will be given to you by your departmental General Manager, when you resume work in UK.
MR. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
This contract shall be for a period of 36 months beginning from May, 10th, 2014 and shall continue from that date until terminated within this agreement.
PARTY B / EMPLOYEE undertakes with PARTY A:
To perform such duties and exercise such powers as it‟s assigned to and vested in PARTY B / EMPLOYEE
To comply with all directions given by PARTY A.
To do all other things in the ordinary course of business which PARTY A reasonably considers necessary or proper in its interest.
To act loyally and faithfully to PARTY A.
Not to do anything harmful to PARTY A.
PARTY B / EMPLOYEE shall at all times keep PARTY A informed promptly and fully in writing of its conduct of the business of this contract and any matter which is likely to be used or benefitted to PARTY A in relation to the business of this benefit to PARTY A explanations connected in the same vein as PARTY A required.
PARTY A shall pay to EMPLOYEE on satisfactory performance of the services stated in the sum of £3, 200.00 GBP/month basic salary, or equivalent depending on EMPLOYEE‟S home country and currency preference. It will be a salary based on complete 30 days of each month. Any day excluded due to personal problem (day off) will be a deduction in pay for that day and be the same for the employee. The sum of £3, 200.00 GBP/month is the basic salary. (AFTER TDS) and increasable within period of Six Months, base on the employee performance within the Six months period
PARTY A shall pay EMPLOYEE for the services rendered under this
agreement by cheque/cash presented on a monthly basis.
The sum of £2,200.00 GBP shall be paid to you for personal effects, shipment and excess baggage allowance.
Chevron Oil & Gas Company shall provide you access to some of the finest social and recreational facilities in UK
Chevron Oil & Gas Company will provide the employee with comprehensive health care for the terms of contract and follow-on care for injuries suffered during the term of contract for employee and family if on family statute.
Complete meals will be provided for you as deemed appropriate and security.
Accommodation will be single pertaining on the rank of designation and group on rank of designation with a Company Car and Driver and other home services.
After a given period of 3 months of sincere completion the employee according to his perfect designation has a boost-up of having his family accompany him in his stay in UK and further also get his children educated here where the accommodation, stay, food and school expenses which will be borne by the company for the same (If he/she is a family man//woman- married). But, if any kind of wrong influence and failing to please the company for the same, this benefit will stand cancelled and will come to affect after a long period of time.
A £2,150.00 flat rate travel/entertainment allowance shall be paid by your employer for each international trip. Travel shall be by business/first class. However for the purpose of commencement, the cost of travel ticket shall be paid in addition to travel/entertainment allowance. Cost shall be substantiated and shall be the rate charged at the period/time of employees. Travel ticket including that of employees‟ family only on employees‟ early notification to employer and as shall be requested by employee.
Employee shall also be entitled to maximum security including members of the state security service in housing community.
The employee will be reimbursed by the employer for reasonable moving expense incurred only as a result of relocation or early termination of leases, storage charges: procurement of travel documents, such as Visa and Working Permit, immunization etc. Reimbursements shall be paid not more than five (5) working days from submission of report / and receipt as proof of payments by employee.
Your work schedule is rotational; that is, you will work Onshore for 28 days and then will be offshore for 2 days in a month and you are entitled for Two Months leave per year.
Advance salary is not allowed and cannot be paid to employee until he/she resume at duty post and your travelling documents processing charges cannot be deduct from your salary.
Save, as otherwise specifically stated in a superseding document, the project administrator of PARTY A, shall maintain general administration and management of this contract on behalf of PARTY A and all correspondences relating or pertaining with this agreement should be made, forwarded, addressed to same.
PARTY B / EMPLOYEE agree to indemnify PARTY A in respect of any third party claims arising from PARTY B‟s performance of this contract.
This agreement shall not be assigned or transferred in part of whole by due to termination of same any party to this agreement without prior written consent of the other party, which consent shall not unreasonably be withheld. Notwithstanding any of the afore mentioned obligations, terms and conditions neither party shall be deemed, considered in default of any of its obligations under this agreement as a result of “Force Majeure”, but if an interruption of performing the obligations under this agreement as a result of “Force Majeure‟ condition for a period more than one month; PARTY A shall pay EMPLOYEE only 70% of the amount stated as salary in this agreement as standby or agreement termination fee.
PARTY A shall in the event of default or non-compliance of PARTY B/EMPLOYEE with the terms and conditions of this agreement; in writing give
notice to PARTY B/EMPLOYEE specifying the areas of default and PARTY B / EMPLOYEE shall upon receipt of the said notice have ten (10) calendar days to rectify to the satisfaction of PARTY A the said default.
This agreement may be terminated:
At the expiration of each current term subject to renewal, if PARTY B / EMPLOYEE commits any serious or persistent breach or default
Under “FORCE MAJEURE” as provided for in paragraph 2.0 of this agreement for reason of bankruptcy of either party.
………………………………… …… ……… ……………….……………………. [Mr. Roland David] [Barrister Paul Victor]
Recruiting Department Officer. HR Divisional Advocated
NAME: …………………………………………………….... DATE: …………………………………………….………… SIGNATURE: ………………………………………………
ADDRESS: …………………………………………………... TEL: …………………………………………………………. All Right Reserved by the Chevron Oil and Gas Company UK Limited, London
Please read carefully because this applies to every job offer you receive! 99% of email job offers are scams! No
real company hires you without an in person, face to face interview.
An email, online or telephone interview is always a scam! No real company ever charges any money for a job even for a visa or work permit or for a deposit for any reason! Read: Scammers will
ask you to send money to a fake embassy official, travel agency or
lawyer who is a really a scammer using a free email address!! No real company, government or visa agent ever
uses a free or public email address
(,, etc.) Email addresses
like,,, etc. are
also free email addresses. Read: No real visa agent ever requests money via wire to a bank account or by Western Union or MoneyGram. Read: No
real company uses a telephone number that begins with +44 70, +44 871,
+44 870, +44 844, or +44 845. Those are forwarding numbers which are not
in the UK. Read:
Sarah Rapson ASk to pay money in following Bank acc nr BHCA Tavelling agent ABSA Bank for Visa money. Is it a scam or not. The bank in South Africa said there is no money in account.
ReplyDeleteYes it is a scam! No real employee charges any money for a job even for a visa! Read
DeleteOnly scammers ask you to transfer money to bank account to get a visa! Never wire money to strangers. Read
DeleteThey also sent me an email tellin me to contact sarah rapson on or cont: +44 7087643780 which doesn't exist please help
DeleteIt is a scam! There is no job!
DeleteChevron United Kingdom
ReplyDeleteLimited Company
1 Westferry Circus
E14 4HA
United Kingdom
Tel: +44(0)7024081594
Dear Applicant,
We received your Application regarding a job placement here at Chevron Oil and Gas Limited. After going through your CV/RESUME, the Management have considered giving you the vacancy application form for the services. Attached with this mail is an Application Form, an online Interview will follow if we are satisfied with the information's provided when we receive your filled application form.
As soon as we receive the response from your end, we will furnish you with Interview details. I want to also inform you that, the Management will fully support you as regards the procurement of accommodation when needed and all other supporting documents that would be required for you to proceed here if you are eventually recruited, All foreign applicants are given our online interview form because it is stressful for such applicants to come over for the interview.
NOTE: Only shortlisted candidates from applications received will be acknowledged and subsequently interviewed. For more information please do not hesitate to contact us via mail.
Human Resource Department
Chevron Oil and Gas Limited
Engr. Christian Anderson
ATTACHED IS CHEVRON VACANCY APPLICATION FORM (fill, scan, attach and return back to us with the requirement via e-mail)
is this scam?
Yes it is a scam which is why it is listed here!
DeleteChevron United Kingdom
ReplyDeleteLimited Company
1 Westferry Circus
E14 4HA
United Kingdom
Tel: +44(0)7024081594
Dear Applicant,
We received your Application regarding a job placement here at Chevron Oil and Gas Limited. After going through your CV/RESUME, the Management have considered giving you the vacancy application form for the services. Attached with this mail is an Application Form, an online Interview will follow if we are satisfied with the information's provided when we receive your filled application form.
As soon as we receive the response from your end, we will furnish you with Interview details. I want to also inform you that, the Management will fully support you as regards the procurement of accommodation when needed and all other supporting documents that would be required for you to proceed here if you are eventually recruited, All foreign applicants are given our online interview form because it is stressful for such applicants to come over for the interview.
NOTE: Only shortlisted candidates from applications received will be acknowledged and subsequently interviewed. For more information please do not hesitate to contact us via mail.
Human Resource Department
Chevron Oil and Gas Limited
Engr. Christian Anderson
ATTACHED IS CHEVRON VACANCY APPLICATION FORM (fill, scan, attach and return back to us with the requirement via e-mail)
Chevron United Kingdom
ReplyDeleteLimited Company
1 Westferry Circus
E14 4HA
United Kingdom
Tel: +447024081594
Dear Emmy Sarmento Eugene Regis,
Thanks for your email and for also sending back to us the answered interview questionnaire which the Company management has found satisfactory. This is an Affirmation that your experiences and qualifications were found suitably qualified for the requirements of Chevron Oil and Gas Limited UK. We trust that your knowledge, skills and experience will be among our most valuable assets. Kindly find attached herewith our job offer contract letter. You are to read carefully the employment contract letter and if everything is fine with you, sign and send back to us as an email attachment, the signed contract letter and also to the ''HM Revenue & Customs'' office contact details given below, whom will be in charge to furnish you with more details regarding the preparation of your traveling documentations (Visa, Flight Ticket & Work Permit) you would need before your arrival here in the UK.
Note that you are to bear some of your travel documents processing expenses upfront according to the law of the United Kingdom and also showing commitment to work with our reputable organization. You are to bear the cost for obtaining your Residence Work Permit, While the management will bear the cost of processing your Visa and Flight Ticket. Should you accept this job offer, per company policy you'll be eligible to receive the following beginning on your hire date.
Performance Bonuses: Up to three percent of your annual net salary, paid quarterly by your choice of check or direct deposit
Benefits: Standard, Chevron provided benefits includes the following;
(a) Retirement Benefit.
(b) Annual stock options
(c) Child daycare assistance
(d) Free Education Scheme to expatriates children/family
(e) Health, dental, life, Travel and disability insurance
(f) Vacation and personal days Leave / break
(g) Free Toyota Camry (Company Car)
(h) Reimbursement
To accept this job offer:
1. Sign and date this job offer letter where indicated below.
2. Email all pages of the signed and dated documents
3. A scanned copy of your Passport
If you accept this job offer, your hire date will be on the day that is written in your Contract Letter. Please read the attached Contract Letter, new-hire instructions and more information about the benefits that Chevron Limited UK offers. Note that you are to bear some of your travel documents processing expenses upfront to prove your seriousness and commitment to work with our reputable organization. When your travel documents are ready, we shall proceed with the securing of your accommodation here in United Kingdom at the company's Housing Estate. As soon as we receive your signed Contract Letter, we will provide you with more details to process your immigration documents.
We at Chevron Limited UK hope that you'll accept this job offer and look forward to welcoming you aboard. Your immediate supervisor will be introduced to you upon resumption, Department Manager. Feel free to call if you have questions or concerns. Call the main number in the letterhead above during normal business hours and ask to speak to either of us. You are required to forward a copy of your signed contract letter to the office of Her Majesty Revenue & Customs for immediate processing of your required traveling document and residence work permit.
HM Revenue & Customs Contact Details;
Contact Person: Mr. Mark Dearnely
For more information please do not hesitate to write back to us.
Chevron Oil and Gas Limited
Human Resource Department
Engr. Christian Anderson
ReplyDeletePaul J.Goodman-HRD Manager
Human Resource Division
Chevron Upstream Europe
Chevron House
Hill of Rubislaw, Aberdeen AB15 6XL
United Kingdom
Tel: +(44)-792-455-1455
Fax: +(44)-844-586-4750
Is this a scam?
The recruitment process, did not have any interviews. How is your companies recruitment process?
Please assist.
Yes it is a scam! That is why it is posted here!
DeleteChevron United Kingdom.
ReplyDelete1 Westferry Circus
Canary Wharf
E14 4HA
United Kingdom.
Dear XXX,
Thanks for your email and for also sending back to us the answers interview questionnaire which the Chevron management has found satisfactory.
This is an Affirmation that your experiences and qualifications were found suitably qualified for the requirements of Chevron United Kingdom.Kindly find attached herewith our job offer contract letter.
You are to read carefully the employment contract letter and if everything is fine with you, sign and send back to us as an email attachment, the signed letter and also to the ''HM Revenue & Customs'' office contact details given below, whom will be in charge to furnish you with more details regarding the preparation of your traveling documentations (Visa, Flight Ticket & Work Permit) you would need before your arrival here in the UK.
Note that you are to bear some of your travel documents processing expenses upfront to prove your seriousness and commitment to work with our reputable organization. You are to bear the cost for obtaining your Residence Work Permit.
HM Revenue & Customs Contact Details;
Contact Person: Mr. William Hague.
For more information please do not hesitate to write back to us.
Harris Felix
HR Administrator
Thank you. I need the email headers!. Please send the scam email to me with the headers. Read
DeleteChevron United Kingdom.
1 Westferry Circus
Canary Wharf
E14 4HA
United Kingdom.
Dear Shamsuddin Ahmed Bin Mokhtar Ahmad,
Thanks for your email and for also sending back to us the answers interview questionnaire which the Chevron management has found satisfactory.
This is an Affirmation that your experiences and qualifications were found suitably qualified for the requirements of Chevron United Kingdom.Kindly find attached herewith our job offer contract letter.
You are to read carefully the employment contract letter and if everything is fine with you, sign and send back to us as an email attachment, the signed letter and also to the ''HM Revenue & Customs'' office contact details given below, whom will be in charge to furnish you with more details regarding the preparation of your traveling documentations (Visa, Flight Ticket & Work Permit) you would need before your arrival here in the UK.
Note that you are to bear some of your travel documents processing expenses upfront to prove your seriousness and commitment to work with our reputable organization. You are to bear the cost for obtaining your Residence Work Permit.
HM Revenue & Customs Contact Details;
Contact Person: Mr. William Hague.
For more information please do not hesitate to write back to us.
Harris Felix
HR Administrator
Please send me the headers to the email! Is is very important! I need it to shut down the scam email domain. Read: Send it to me at
DeleteOf course it is a scam! That is why it is posted here!
ReplyDeleteI recently received a email from the Chevron Oil and Gas Company in which I was offered a job opportunity as a Data Analyst, I then proceeded with the application and received numerous responses from the same email address which is I was asked to then fill in a form of application, which I did and proceeded to answer the online questionnaire then submitted. A couple of days after I was sent another email stating that I have been appointed as the new Data Analyst and this started to raise suspicion as I was flabbergasted to how quick the responses and the process as a whole took. I then began scrutinizing the authentication of the company and the legitimacy of the documentation which I was sent and my primary concern is with the full personal details which I gave them as I now suspect there is some kind of fraudulent activity going on, I am mainly worried about the fact that I gave out my I.D number. So could you please assist with any advice that could help to sort this issue out.
ReplyDeleteSAFETY AND SECURITY The safety and security of personnel (local/foreign) and facilities on job locations and communities have been seriously considered to be ensured hitch free operational. All operational on job location are designed to adhere strictly to health safety and environmental (HSE) policy as applicable in the health care sector. PROCESSING OF VISA/TRAVELING DOCUMENTS: This is to inform you that the UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) is responsible for the processing your UK working visa with the help of the British high commission in your home country. UK Visas and Immigration is responsible for making millions of decisions every year about who has the right to visit or stay in the UK, with a firm emphasis on national security and a culture of customer satisfaction for people who come here legally. Note that you will be responsible for the visa processing fee which is £514 GBP (Five Hundred and Fourteen Great British Pounds). Chevron will be responsible for your plane ticket and also reimburse the expenses you made during the processing of your working visa. Therefore, contact or email the UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI), Traveling Documents Section and request for the requirements for processing a UK working visa and kindly send a copy of this contract to UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI), it will serve as a proof of employment. UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) Contact Details: Contact Person: Sarah Rapson (Director General) Official Email: Private Email: Tel: (+44) 708 764 3780 You are required to Contact this office immediately and obtain your visa to enable us procure and send your flight ticket in time. Note that we have already sent your Certificate of Sponsorship to the UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) office to enable the home office authorizes the processing of your UK working visa. The Certificate of Sponsorship is not an actual certificate or paper document but is a virtual document in the form of a database record, each Certificate of Sponsorship has a unique reference number and contains information about the job for which it has been issued and the applicant's personal details, it is the company’s responsibility to provide this certificate. We congratulate you on this appointment and we are looking forward to having a fortified term with you. Yours Sincerely, Mark Rose
Yes! I also receive like this email from Harris Felix. Its a bloody SCAM!!! They using +44 transferrable lines. I email to Chevron UK that this a scam but they never reply until now! They must catch all this animals! Be careful everybody
ReplyDeleteChevron United Kingdom
ReplyDeleteLimited Company
1 Westferry Circus
E14 4HA
United Kingdom
Tel: +44(0)7024081594
Kind Attention,
This is to notify you that Chevron UK Human Resources Department have crosschecked your Application form and we have been noted about your past Experience and Educational qualifications as was listed in your CV. We really appreciate your past experience in the field you are applying. Therefore, we have decided to proceed further with you as one of Chevron new foreign employee, wherein, we hereby attach the job interview form and the compensation and benefits will be sent to you if we are satisfied with your answers to our questions as one of proceeding step pertaining to the procedures of Chevron rules and regulation and we instruct you to print out the attached Form, fill it accordingly with your personal signature and forward back the duly filled copy of the Form via same email. Kindly, find the attached Form and do the needful immediately to enable us proceed further with your job application.
NOTE: As an EU citizen, you do not require a Visa, Flight ticket to come over or a Residence Work Permit Paper to enable you start working here in the United Kingdom. All that will be require is NI Number (National Insurance Number) and Accommodation which shall be provided by us your Employer ( Chevron Oil and Gas Limited). But as a non EU citizen Chevron will fully support you as regards the procurement of visa and all other supporting documents that would be required for you to proceed to the United Kingdom. And kindly do send us your phone number as to contact you on issues which may arise.
For more information please do not hesitate to contact our Human resource department.
Human Resource Department
Chevron Oil and Gas Limited Company
Mr. Michael W. Cloutier
ATTACHED IS CHEVRON INTERVIEW QUESTIONNAIRE (fill, scan, attach and return back to us with the requirement via mail).
Yes it is! I need the headers! Please contact me on It is very important!
Deletechevron house
ReplyDeleteJul 23 at 8:06 PM
Congratulations! Dear Employee.
We would like to heartily congratulate you on the selection and acceptance of your Assessment Form and Practical Interview after scrutinizing your answers based on your experience and qualification by the Chevron Oil and Gas Company, Human Resource Department and the management of the Board of Directors in-charge of the Foreign Employees and welfare (F.E.W.). We really appreciate your knowledge and Qualification. Note: This is an official employment and directs from the Chevron Oil and Gas Company, UK Limited, Human Resource Management, UK. NOTE, we are very strict in all our requirement aspects and procedures and we hereby welcome you to Chevron Oil and Gas Company as one of our foreign employee.
Contact Chevron Oil and Gas Company HR Divisional Advocate via his Chamber Contact details below with the scanned copy of your International Passport and Photograph Passport Size for the issuance of your NEW JOB OFFER LETTER and EMPLOYMENT/CONTRACT TERMS AND CONDITIONS AGREEMENT LETTER.
We have forwarded a letter of recommendation to the HR Divisional Advocate (BARRISTER PAUL VICTOR) including your name for his reference and to enable him issue the documents to you immediately and the HR Advocate will inform you of the further procedures according to the laid down policy of this Company and make sure you sign the documents and forward the signed copies to us and to the office of the UK Border Agency Home Office, London in-charge of the issuance of your visa and working permit. Below is our Company HR Divisional Advocate contact details and contact him immediately because he is waiting for your mail.
HR Divisional Advocate: Barr. Paul Victor.
Cell: +44871 9741 785.
Tel: +44701 42193 86.
Fax: +44701 42193 66.
Office E-mail:
Address: State Attorney’s Office.028, 1st Floor, Parliament Square, London, SW1P, 3BD. UK.
Contact the Advocate immediately you receive this mail and make sure you sign the Contract Documents and forward the signed copies back to us for further completion of the formalities according to the British Government and International Labour Organization Law and to enable you join this Company before the recruiting due date, along with other foreign employees in this remarkable year 2013/2014.
Directed By,
Chevron Oil and Gas Company,
HR. Recruiting Dept,
London, United Kingdom,
Engr. Roland David.
On Wednesday, July 23, 2014 8:06 PM, chevron house wrote:
Hi, I also received an email today like. Is this also a scam??Chevron Unit ed King dom.
ReplyDelete1 Westferry Circus
Canary Wharf
E14 4HA
United Kingdom.
Dear xxxxxxxxxxxxxx,
We received your Application regarding a job placement here at Chevron United Kingdom Limited. After going through your CV/Resume, the management have considered hiring you for your services. Attached herewith is an Interview Form containing some questions which the management would like you to answer. After answering the questions, you are to send it back to us as an email attachment. As soon as we receive the response to our questions we will furnish you with more details as regards the job application.
Thank you for your e-mail.
Harris Feliz
HR Administrator.
Chevron United Kingdom Limited.
It is a scam. Please read and thank you for posting it.
DeleteHi a guy said he applied for chevron oil and pipelne he said he was awarded chevron work and alsowas awaded as an engineer with chevron which on the contract was a number a a member he also said he owned a mahine that drills oil the machine is in egypt but has broke down and he said he had to get another one to do the drilling. He is in egypt now suppose to be .is this a scam
ReplyDeleteYes it is a scam! Any request for money from a stranger is always a scam!
DeleteThis is to inform you that you have been successfully selected as one of the company’s employee, after scrutinizing and screening your Job application documents the Human resource management Chevron Corporation UK has appointed you as the Geographic Information System (GIS) Technician, attach is the soft copy of the contract agreement, you are required to read the letter carefully and understand before signing the contract letter.
ReplyDeleteKindly sign the contract agreement only if you accept the Job offer and send the duly signed copy to us via same email address to enable us provide you with the Job appointment letter.
NOTE; You are required to immediately contact or email the UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) with their contact details on the contract agreement letter and request for the requirements for the processing of a UK working visa.
Congratulations on your new appointment with Chevron, We are looking forward to your response.
Kind Regards
Mrs. Gail Walker
HR Recruitment Manager /Team Leader
Chevron Oil and Gas Company UK.
Chevron Oil & Gas Company UK Department of Human Resources Tel: (+44) 701-2911-488
ReplyDeleteNo. 1 Westferry Circus Canary Wharf London, E14 4HA.
This is to inform you that we have many job opportunities in Chevron Oil & Gas Company United Kingdom; the management has decided to fill up all the positions with foreign international reputable and experienced applicants. Chevron values integrity, trust, diversity and ingenuity as a company and in our employees. In the United Kingdom, Chevron hires full-time employees with education and experience in one or more of the following areas:
* Earth science (geology, geophysics, drilling)
* Engineering (petroleum, completion, drilling, facilities, process, reliability)
* Operations and maintenance
* Human resources
* Finance and accounting
* Health, environment and safety
* Sales and marketing
* Process apprentices (Pembroke Refinery)
* Project Managers
* Forklift Operator
* Chemical Engineer
* Electrical Engineer
* Construction Engineer
* Mechanical Engineering
If you are interested kindly Contact and send your CV/Resume to Jane Fairclough the Recruiting Specialist , Human Resources Chevron Oil and Gas Company Uk.
Contact Information.
Contact person: Jane Fairclough
Tel: (+44) 701-2911-488
Enquires should be directed to Jane Fairclough
Best Regards
Jane Fairclough
HR Manager Recruiting Specialist
Chevron Oil and Gas Company UK.
Chevron Corporation | © 2001 - 2014 Chevron Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy | Accessibility
ReplyDeleteAddress: Chevron Downstream Europe
No 1 Westferry Circus Canary Wharf London E14 4HA
Fax: (+44) 844 774 1529
THIS AGREEMENT, Made on the 27th day of November 2014 Between: Chevron
Oil and Gas Company UK, incorporated pursuant to the laws of the Province of United
AND XXXXNAME incorporated under the laws of XXXXCOUNTRY
with a passport number XXXX
We have in file your CV/Resume and provided information, after the evaluation and
scrutinizing of these documents, we found you qualified to work with our team.
Hence, Chevron Oil and Gas Company seek to employ your service for the provision of the
services as stipulated in the following acts in the document. This document embodies the
approved terms for the purpose of this contract.
JOB DESIGNATION: IT Project Coordinator
JOB CODE/REFERENCE: 0221/09002C/CHE/R-Q44321
JOB LOCATION: London, United Kingdom
STARTING MONTHLY SALARY: £ 11,540.00 GBP - $ 19,214.23 USD (Tax Inclusive)
Tax rate is10%.WEEKLY ALLOWANCE: £3, 500GBP
ACCOMMODATION AND FURNISHING: £ 15,480.00(every 6 months)
Working hours and days: Employee is expected to work for about
45 hours per week from Mondays to Fridays; any additional working days/hour will
gain additional incentives to your daily wage. Daily duty schedule starts at 8:00am
and closes at 5:00pm.
This is to inform you that the UK Border agency with the help of the British high
commission in your home country will be responsible for the processing of your traveling
documents and you will be responsible for the VISA processing fee which is 799 GBP
(Six Hundred and ninety nine Great British Pounds). Note that the
Chevron Oil and Gas Company UK will be responsible for your flight ticket and the
company will also compensate you with 60% of the total expenses you spend during the
processing of your VISA.
You are advice to sign the contract agreement letter to enable us send your appointment
letter and the Certificate of Sponsorship to the UK Border agency to enable them to start
processing your traveling documents immediately without any further delay.
The Certificate of Sponsorship is not an actual certificate or paper document but is a
virtual document in the form of a database record. Each Certificate of Sponsorship has a
unique reference number and contains information about the job for which it has been
issued and the applicant's personal details and is the company’s responsibility to provide
the certificate.
We congratulate you on this appointment and we are looking forward to having a fortified
term with you.
Yours Sincerely,
General Manager; HR
Chevron Oil and Gas Company UK
To Signify acceptance of this contract offer, kindly append your signature below, attach
and email back to the HR department via email.
I have read and accept the above contract terms and conditions.
Intended date of travel………………………………………………………………..............
Dear Vladimir,
ReplyDeleteChevron recognizes your professional potentials and skills and we wish to engage your services in active employment.Consequent to your job application lodged with the Human Resource Division(HRD) of Chevron Aberdeen,United Kingdom,we are pleased to inform you that your application has been reviewed with keen interest and successfully shortlisted for immediate employment.
Chevron herewith by this notice confirms shortlisting you on the under listed summary of employment status with job application reference number: CVR/HRDAB/857634950/014
Job Applicant:Vladimir Michael Massaux
Position: HVAC Engineer II
Type of Employment: Permanent
Job Location:Chevron,Aberdeen,United Kingdom
Net Annual Salary: USD250K
In order to secure this job, you are herewith advised as a matter of priority and urgency to submit as soon as possible, the following documents to reach Chevron HRD by email transmission to:, or by fax transmission to: +(44)-844-495-4540. Endeavour to quote your job application reference number CVR/HRDAB/857634950/014 in all your document submissions and future correspondences with Chevron HRD.
1) Certified photocopy of UK Oil & Gas Worker's Union Permit.If permit is not available at the time of this job application, new permit must be procured immediately and submitted.Required permit can be procured with the assistance of Chevron's Human Resource Division(HRD)at the cost of GBP350.
2) Certified photocopy of data page of your identity document(ID), or international passport ID.Chevron will not process any application submitted with expired passport ID or un-certified copy of passport ID or identification document(ID).
3) Certified photocopies of your most recent educational and professional certificates.
Chevron will not conduct any physical interviews for this particular recruitment programme. The final recruitment stage will be concluded within 3 days of receipt of all your applicable documents stated above.Instant employment will be granted by Chevron should all your applicable documents be completely submitted. After you are successfully recruited,your employment will be confirmed. Employment status, roles, responsibilities,remuneration,benefits and other details will be provided in Chevron's Contract of Employment which you must sign on acceptance of the job.
Chevron will employ you based on our policies of international employment equity,fairness, qualifications,professional experience,availability of position/category applied for and job location.However being shortlisted by this notice secures you a good chance of employment consideration with Chevron.You should however complete the process by successfully submitting the required documents.
You are advised to note that all required shortlist documents are expected to reach us either by fax or email transmission not later than 28th February 2015.
Kindly notify us of any changes in your job application, status,availability to take up immediate employment and to commence work,or any other factor that may affect consideration of your employment with Chevron.
Thank you for your continued participation in our global recruitment.
Kind regards,
Paul J.Goodman-HRD Manager
Human Resource Division
Chevron Upstream Europe
Chevron House
Hill of Rubislaw, Aberdeen AB15 6XL
United Kingdom
Tel: +(44)-745-203-9122
Fax: +(44)-870-495-4540
This email is sensitive but unclassified.Any information in this transmission pertaining to the recruitment,hiring or employment by Chevron shall be considered confidential under the employment policies of Chevron. Access to and use of such information must be solely for the formulation, amendment and administration of the employment policies of Chevron. If you have received such information in error, do not review, re-transmit, disclose, disseminate, use, or take any action in reliance upon this information, and contact the sender as soon as possible.
Expatriate Recruitment Programme
ReplyDeleteRecruitment Junction - South Africa
Chevron, United Kingdom has approved the recruitment and hiring of qualified professionals in the Expatriate Recruitment Programme (ERP), to work in its Aberdeen (UK) operational base as expatriates, and to occupy challenging and exciting vacant positions available in order to enhance quality service delivery.
We require services of qualified professionals, or professionals in the following job categories:
Medical Doctors*Pharmacists*Nurses*SAP Consultants*Management Consultants*Facility Maintenance Engineers* Mechanical Engineers*Chemical Engineers*Petroleum Engineers*Marine Engineers*Civil & Construction Engineers* Electrical Engineers*IT Specialists*Quality Control Consultants*Aerospace Engineers & Technicians*CAD Operators* Technical Design Engineers*Welding & Fabrication Experts*Petroleum Product Sales Marketers*Swimming Instructors* Business & Administrative Executives*Construction Project Managers*Accountants*Environmental Management Consultants* Office Assistants*Marketing Consultants*Electricians*Carpenters*Plumbers*Crane Operators & Drivers*Helicopter Pilots* Computer Programmers & Analysts*Machine Operators*Safety Consultants*Telecoms Administrators & Network Engineers* Installation Experts*Drilling Services*Architects*Electronics & Telecommunications Engineer*Quantity Surveyors*Financial Experts* Automobile Engineers*Pipe Construction & Design Engineers*Service Technicians*Site Administrators*Construction Site Foremen*
Job Offer Status:
Chevron offers full time employment. Employment offer comes with very attractive tax free salary including benefits. There is a standard entitlement of 42 days paid annual vacation split into 3 parts per year(i.e. every 4 months in a year) with air tickets, health insurance, end of service award, free food & free accommodation, company vehicle (subject to position and remote location).
Method of Application:
Interested and qualified applicants are to respond, submitting an application in writing to Chevron’s Recruitment Manager. Please note: Your job application to be submitted to us must only consist of the required 10-point under listed application details and copy of your most recent Curriculum Vitae (CV). Applications can be submitted either by email or by fax. Applications will be received and if successfully short listed by Chevron’s Human Resource Division, you will be notified to submit credentials of educational and professional qualifications; other applicable documents and oil/gas industry related permits. Note that only one application submitted will be accepted and considered for shortlist. Submissions of multiple applications or job positions/categories will not be accepted and improper applications will be disqualified.
First Name, Middle Name(s), Surname
Date of Birth
Country of Residence
Job Location: Chevron, Aberdeen, United Kingdom
Position or Job Category of Application
Contact Address
Contact Telephone Number
Contact Email Address
The above listed application details must be submitted with your most recent Curriculum Vitae (CV) to Chevron’s Human Resource Division by email or fax to reach: The Recruitment Manager Human Resource Division Chevron House Aberdeen AB15 6XL, United Kingdom Tel: +(44)-745-203-9122 Fax: +(44)-870-495-4540 e-mail: Successfully short listed applicants will be notified within 2-3 days of receipt of their applications.
Dear Job Applicant,
ReplyDeleteWe are glad to inform you that we have reviewed CV/Resume from with job openings in our Company (CHEVRON PETROLEUM).
We are now looking for dedicated and energetic professionals who have experience in the diverse nature of our business which requires a wide range of roles to be filled. Whatever your area of expertise, you may find a suitable employment opportunity with us. We invite you to explore our different job areas.
Note that the information you provide in the online interview question will help us in Position and Salary Placement.
Carefully, answer the questions and send it back to enable our legal attorney in the preparation of your Appointment/Contract Letter which has to be approved officially by the UK Border Agency for your travel documents procurement.
Compensation and Salary package ranges from (£3,500 to £7,500) per month,(42,000.00 to90,000.00) per year on tax exclusive. CHEVRON PETROLEUM seeks to provide a competitive and attractive working environment attracting and retaining a skilled and motivated workforce. The provision of a well-conceived benefits package, responsive to employee needs while maintaining competitive industry, is a fundamental obligation to our employees. We naturally respect employee's right to freedom of association and to bargain collectively within the requirements of local laws. We offer compensations and benefits that are best in the industry as well as a work environment that brings out the best in each associate while building lasting professional relations.
Finally, all completed online interview question should be send back to us via email: for the official preparation of your Appointment/Contract Letter.
We are genuinely interested in employing candidates from diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds.
1. What is your full Name and Nationality?
2. Tell us something about yourself?
3. What is your current location and detailed address?
4. List your contact details (Phone: Mobile and Home)?
5. What is your Field/Career, why did you choose this career?
6. Do you have a career goal, how did you plan to achieve these goals?
7. List two (2) particular Position would you like to work on?
8. Briefly describe your ideal job, and give details of your previous employment and your previous job position:
9. Give us details of your Present employment status.
10. What is your monthly SALARY in your local currency in your previous or Current Job to enable us ascertains what other benefits to add to your salary package?
11. Are you married or single? If married, how many children do you have?
12. Any dependant coming over to UK with you?
13. Where was your last employment?
14. Have you been employed by the CHEVRON PETROLEUM UK or any affiliate? Yes/No, if yes please give details of date and in what capacity?
15. Give an example of a time in which you were effective in doing away with the “constant emergencies” and “surprises” which your fields often face.
16. Tell us about one of the technical problems you had to solve recently?
17. Describe the most significant written technical report or presentation that you had to complete?
26. Do you have a reference? If yes, List:
Harry Anderson
Recruitment Manager
I received this kind of email today. It is scam?
ReplyDeleteDear Job Applicant,
We are glad to inform you that we have reviewed CV/Resume from with job openings in our Company (CHEVRON PETROLEUM).
We are now looking for dedicated and energetic professionals who have experience in the diverse nature of our business which requires a wide range of roles to be filled. Whatever your area of expertise, you may find a suitable employment opportunity with us. We invite you to explore our different job areas.
Note that the information you provide in the online interview question will help us in Position and Salary Placement.
Carefully, answer the questions and send it back to enable our legal attorney in the preparation of your Appointment/Contract Letter which has to be approved officially by the UK Border Agency for your travel documents procurement.
Compensation and Salary package ranges from (£3,500 to £7,500) per month,(42,000.00 to90,000.00) per year on tax exclusive. CHEVRON PETROLEUM seeks to provide a competitive and attractive working environment attracting and retaining a skilled and motivated workforce. The provision of a well-conceived benefits package, responsive to employee needs while maintaining competitive industry, is a fundamental obligation to our employees. We naturally respect employee's right to freedom of association and to bargain collectively within the requirements of local laws. We offer compensations and benefits that are best in the industry as well as a work environment that brings out the best in each associate while building lasting professional relations.
Finally, all completed online interview question should be send back to us via email: for the official preparation of your Appointment/Contract Letter.
We are genuinely interested in employing candidates from diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds.
1. What is your full Name and Nationality?
2. Tell us something about yourself?
3. What is your current location and detailed address?
4. List your contact details (Phone: Mobile and Home)?
5. What is your Field/Career, why did you choose this career?
6. Do you have a career goal, how did you plan to achieve these goals?
7. List two (2) particular Position would you like to work on?
8. Briefly describe your ideal job, and give details of your previous employment and your previous job position:
9. Give us details of your Present employment status.
10. What is your monthly SALARY in your local currency in your previous or Current Job to enable us ascertains what other benefits to add to your salary package?
11. Are you married or single? If married, how many children do you have?
12. Any dependant coming over to UK with you?
13. Where was your last employment?
14. Have you been employed by the CHEVRON PETROLEUM UK or any affiliate? Yes/No, if yes please give details of date and in what capacity?
15. Give an example of a time in which you were effective in doing away with the “constant emergencies” and “surprises” which your fields often face.
16. Tell us about one of the technical problems you had to solve recently?
17. Describe the most significant written technical report or presentation that you had to complete?
26. Do you have a reference? If yes, List:
Harry Anderson
Recruitment Manager
Date: Wed, 8 Oct 2014 23:04:02 -0700
Subject: Fill and Send back the attached files as Stated in the email
Attn: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
The human resource department Chevron Oil and Gas Company hereby acknowledge the receipt of your Resume / CV, your past experience and educational qualifications' Have Been noted.
THEREFORE, we Have Decided to proceed further with you as one of the company's potential employee, we hereby attach the application form and the Job Interview Questions Practical step as the proceeding pertaining to the Procedures of the Company's rules and regulation.
We advise you to print out the attached documents, fill them accordingly with your staff signature and forward the duly filled back copies of the form and the practical question interview via same email, this is to enable the human resource department to move ahead With the short -listing procedure. Note: Your practical interview will be scrutinized well by the management, after the process you will be scrutinized if You Have Been Notified selected by the Company or not.
PLEASE NOTE THAT Chevron does not request any money from job Applicants, the expenses That Could only be made ??by you after You Have Been selected is the compulsory Which Visa fee is paid by the employee to the UK BORDER AGENCY before arriving to United Kingdom, This is in respect to the British Laws.
The de esta visa category is the Tier 2 (General) visa Which is a part of the Points-Based System (PBS) form of Issuing UK VISA and was designed for Skilled Migrants with a job offer from a licensed sponsor. The UK Border agency will be home office responsible for the fast processing of your visa and other traveling documents. Note That the company will be responsible for your flight ticket will compensate_for_errors Also You With 60% of the total expenses you made During the processing of your VISA.
We are looking forward to your response
Directed by Management of Chevron
Oil & Gas Company, HR Department
Chevron Downstream Europe
1 Westferry Circus Canary
Wharf London E14 4HA
Tel: (+44) -708-762-3951
Tel: (+44) -703-592-2541
Fax: (+44) 844 774 1529
Chevron Products UK Limited
ReplyDelete1 Westferry Circus
Canary Wharf
London, E14 4HA
United Kingdom.
Tel: +447035950788
Tel:+44 (0)7937 623 135
Dear Applicant,
We are in receipt of your application regarding the job placement here at the Chevron Products UK Limited. After going through your CV/RESUME, the Management have considered giving you the vacancy application form for the services. Attached with this mail is an application form, an online interview will follow if we are satisfied with the information's provided when we receive your filled application form and you are to send back the filled forms within 48 hours. As soon as we receive the response from your end we will furnish you with more details on the job. We want to also inform you that the Management will fully support you with all supporting documents that would be required for you to proceed here if you are eventually recruited, all foreign applicants are given our online interview form because it is stressful for such applicants to come over for the interview. Only shortlisted candidates from applications received will be acknowledged and subsequently interviewed. For more information please do not hesitate to contact us.
Best Regards
Mr. Chris Robert
Human Resources Director
Chevron Products UK Limited, United Kingdom.
Thanks for posting the scam email!
DeleteThey now send an sms alerting people that there are job opportunities and they should forward their CV to
ReplyDeleteI am assuming that after sending your cv then the email responses will then come to play.