Poland Goods Holding Ltd

Poland Goods Holding Ltd

Buyer’s Nationality:
South Africa
Poland Goods Holding Ltd
Seller Website:
Seller Address:
81-350 Gdynia Plac Kaszubski street 8/311 Poland, , Plac Kaszubski street 8/311, Gdynia, Gdynia, Poland
Initial contact with the supplier:
Online Supplier Directory
Type of product(s) being purchased:
Value of the Purchase Order when the incident occurred:
100,000 to 1,000,000 USD
Destination market of order in question:
Northern Africa
Type of Complaint(s):
missed lead times, scams & other unethical activities
Stage of relationship with the supplier at the time of the incident:
Initial Order
User Experience:
steep learning curve
User Recommendations: