Thursday, July 16, 2015

Dr Steven Song / Fake Job Scam Fraud

This a fake job scam!  Read

Here is the link of steven song profile page in naukri ..

Dear Applicant,

Thanks for your interest,I am Dr Steven Song, a Canadian citizen with a family of[ 5] my wife,[3] kids two boys and a girl. I’m a Livestock veterinarian Doctor here in Ontario; I deal with many Livestock farms companies, which really takes much of my times everyday.I own my private medium scale livestock farm on my property as well with sizable amount of production being transacted on a daily basis..

I as well serve as a consultant and I liaise with major corporations in providing research work and best methodology in animal health care majorly for farm animals and pets research goes deep into new drug development and testing, I help in providing corporations with cutting edge breakthroughs in animal health care services and livestock provision. I am also concerned about the human nutrition aspect and all my research is channeled towards giving the best livestock produce for human consumption.

Hence I engage the services of intellectually sound minds to be part of my private research and consultancy work, for which I often at times attach them with Corporations as employed liaisons for them to have an open field experience and also monitor the adherence to the quality in the products or services that my research team has proposed.

I'm in urgent need of a caring male or female house manager/supervisor to work for me in my house here in Canada, and in need of intelligent minds for my research team.

The following vacancies are available for immediate employment in my private medium scale livestock farm:  Sales manager, Marketing executive, Stock managers, Farm managers/ supervisors, Accountants

While the following vacancies are available for immediate appointment for my research team: Veterinary doctors, Scientists (micro-biologists and bio-chemists), Pharmacists/Pharmacologists, Botanists and
Zoologists, Project managers, Mechanical, Chemical, Electrical, Nutritionists, Human resource managers, Lab technicians, Research facilitator,

 After I have carefully reviewed your Resume/CV I would like to consider you for a position that will best suit your qualification and experience, for immediate appointment which will be conditioned on
your performance, for the continued growth of my establishments.

IMPORTANT: You are however expected to find the attached file to this email and give your brief but concise and intelligent answers to my preliminary interview questions; this is an important criterion in our overall final selection. All answers are to be type written and reattached and forwarded alongside your Resume/CV for due consideration. Please adhere strictly to instructions

Employment Status: Full time with the following facilities.

A) A private accommodation with a furnished sitting room and bedrooms suitable for a family of 3.
B) A Fixed land phone and an Internet ready computer.
C) Free Feeding
D) Free medical care
E) A day off every week and all fully paid six weeks’ vacation in a year.

You will be working from 7am to 12 in the morning and from 2pm to 7pm in the evenings (On my private Farm).

And 8am to 4pm Mondays to Fridays.  And weekends overtime (optional) from 9am to 3pm (Private research and consultancy team)

SALARY: $12,500 CAD Monthly,
Allowance: $800 CAD for your up keeping allowance a week
Total Gross Salary (13,300 CAD) monthly after tax.

NOTE: You will be responsible for the payment of your working visa/work permit fee and any other security protocol clearance that you will be subjected to, to the Canadian embassy as a proof of
readiness to join this job and to enable them secure an appointment for your visa. This is the only cost you have to pay which will be refunded back to you when you get to Canada to resume work. I will be
responsible for your flight ticket and all other formalities. Also all your visa and work permit expenses will be reimburse back to you with a month advance salary by second week of your resumption with us.

Please do understand that I am doing this due to my past experience whereby I paid for visa/work permit and ticket fees and my employee turn me down, cause me to lose my money with no refund. Do not accept this contract if you cannot afford to pay for your visa fee to the Canadian embassy in your country when needed for your visa processing. Get back to me with a copy of your international passport and photograph if you accept the terms and condition so we can proceed further and to make our contract agreement letter by our immigration lawyer.

Yours Faithfully,
Dr Steven Song.
Address: 203 Laurier Avenue Close to Bank of Canada West
Ottawa, Ontario,Canada.K1A 0G9

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