Monday, June 8, 2015

American Sea Foods / Fake Job Scam Fraud

Address:Marketplace Tower
 2025 First Avenue, Suite 900                                                                                                           
Seattle, WA 98121Web
For all employment inquiries please call: +1 7207892509

Dear. zzzzzzzzzzzzz                        
We refer to your earlier forwarded application for job engagement with relations to American Seafood’s Company, Project in Marketplace Tower 2025 First Avenue, Suite 900 Seattle, WA 98121. USA.
   1.0: Through the curriculum vitae/resume of contacted expatriates recommended for the project. Congratulation you have found qualified as one of the expatriates to resume work in office. The company has appointed you as one of our   STORE SUPERVISOR.
Note that a copy of this letter has been forwarded to U.S High Commission in New Delhi, India for immediate visa endorsement.
   1.1: DATE OF RESUME: You are requested to resume office on (29/June./2015).
   1.0: JOB LOCATION:Marketplace Tower 2025 First Avenue, Suite 900 Seattle, WA 98121. USA
   NATURE OF JOB: To be informed upon your arrival after getting to know your level of experience.
   3.0: WORK PERIODS: Monday to Fridays, Time: 10.00am to 6.00pm with break period between 12.30noon to 2.30pm. Expatriates are entitled to a one (1) month paid home leave.
   3.1: SALARY INDICATION: Monthly take-home Salary (After tax) is USD $7,270.00 (Seven Thousand Two Hundred And Seventy Dollars) Salary can be transferred to any Bank or Country of your choice and all transfers must be made in conformity with the existing tax situation in the Washington USA.
   3.2: ALLOWANCES:  Hazard/Inconveniences allowance, 5% of Basic salary.
Entertainment allowance 5% of Basic salary
All allowances are paid weekly and locally in US$ equivalent to the existing exchange rate.
   4.0: PAID HOME LEAVE: All expatriates are entitled to a one (1) month paid home leave, which can be take nonce at a time or two (2) weeks apart one different period.
*All expatriates shall be entitled to a leave allowance (in US$) of an additional %100 percent of their basic salary.
*Free tickets to cover their home leave.
*No allowances on leave period.
   5.0: SAFETY AND SECURITY: Safety and Security of personnel Local/Foreign) and Facilities on Job Locations and Communities are not small issue, and have been seriously considered to ensure and assure hitch free operations.
All operations on Job Location are designed to adhere strictly to the Health Safety and Environment (HSE) Policy as applicable in the job location.
All expatriates are entitling to a free and mandatory safety courses on Job Locations to be delivered by qualified safety and environment experts.
All safety wears shall be provided by the Company at Job Locations e.g. Gloves, Shoes etc. at applicable in the job location.
   6.0: MEDICAL/HEALTH SERVICE FACILITIES AND INSURANCE PLAN FOR FAMILY: All expatriates shall be entitled to a comprehensive health care service, which are to be administered by Medical Experts on Job Locations. In a case of emergency situation, an expatriate will be flown to his home country or any country suitable for the best medical attention.
This decision can be influenced by the findings of the Company's medical experts, unless the expatriate in question states otherwise.
After three (3) months of service all expatriates will be entitled to a Health Service Insurance Plan (HSIP) for family. The Health Service Insurance Plan is designed to cover only three (3) members of your family.
The Health Service Insurance Plan (HSIP) allowance can also be paid to the expatriates at the rate of 500.00USD per family member per month (1000.00US$ per month) which can be transferred on monthly basis without being subjected to tax.
   7.0: FEEDING AND ACCOMMODATION:  Accommodation and feeding shall be provided for all expatriates by American Seafood’s Company.
   7.1: TRANSPORTATION: An official vehicle shall be provided on 24 hour daily basis to all expatriate for local transportation.
A round trip flight ticket to cover the span of your contract engagement will be provided and delivered to you on the completion of your relevant travel documents and Immigration particulars.
   7.2: ADDITIONAL SERVICES:  Recreational/Sports Facilities shall also be made available at the disposal of all expatriates with no expenses to be incurred. Laundry and Dry Cleaning Service will also be made available to all expatriates by the company laundry and dry cleaning unit.
   8.0: TELECOMMUNICATION/INTERNET FACILITIES: There are standard telecommunication facilities and Internet services at the disposal of all expatriates, and same shall be accessible to all personnel (Local/Foreign) without any charge or expenses to be incurred. Cellular Phones can be obtained by expatriates from the Local dealers/Service Providers in Washington USA, but must be used in accordance with the safety regulations on Job Locations.
   9.0: FAMILY STATUS ARRANGEMENTS: Family status arrangements can only be applied after at least three (3) months of service. The Application of family status arrangement indicates that an expatriate will be entitled to a free visa and air fare for his wife or Spouse or any other family member which is to be provided by the Company through the Travelling Agency / Consultant Expatriates who intend to travel with their wife/spouse within the first three (3) months of contract engagement will have the cost of visa and air fare being borne by them and can only be reimburse after three (3) months of service.
   10.0: INTERVIEW:  There shall be interview upon your arrival as the management shall dim it fit to know your level of experience in your area of specialization. This shall help in knowing the amount of training to be giving to you regarding your designated post.
• Interview on arrival is designed to facilitate a cordial relationship between expatriates and firm as well as the organizational structure with respect to the project scope. Interviews are also designed to ascertain claims on working experiences and academic/educational qualifications, and should any claim be found wanting the affected expatriate would be deported and such done in conformity with the legal provision? Among reasons for interview on arrival is to establish expatriates area of interest considering the project scope in order to facilitate an efficient division of labor on Job Locations with respect to the organization structure.
   10.1: CLAIMS/ENTITLEMENTS: All expenses incurred in relation to this Job/Contract Engagement Process are liable to reimbursement within 72hours on arrival. Such expenses include cost of obtaining medical certificate, Immunization/shots in the case were an expatriate gets such service from a special or personal doctor. Cost of obtaining Job Contract Engagement papers and Travelling Documents. Cost of transportation to the embassy on the date of appointment if found satisfactorily committed.
A prove of payment in form of an official receipt will facilitates a prompt reimbursement of all claims/expenses. With respect to the expected time line of the project take-off ensure the processing of all travelling Document/immigration particulars etc. in record time.
If the conditions stated above are acceptable to you, you are hereby directed to contact the embassy Representative (Barrister Vincent. Lennon) for processing of your relevant documents/immigration particulars to facilitate your travel to WASHINGTON USA for commencement of work
   10.2:  Only expatriate who are satisfactorily committed with their genuine interest and ability to travel established will have their information sent to the US Embassy.
VISA/WORKING PERMIT PROCESS:  We have mandated a reliable Representative who is working in U.S embassy New Delhi India to assure immediate visa processing for all appointed applicant coming from China, Malaysia, India, Pakistan and UAE round the Asia to avoid delay causes by visa processing.
Contact Barrister (via email :) by sending him the listed below :-
• A scan copy International passport
• A scan copy Passport Photo
For processing of your Visa/relevant travel/immigration documents to enable us ascertain your commitment readiness and willingness to the project take-off.
Due to the sky-scraping number of applicant that we have on our database, all appointed applicants are given (14) days to comply with every requirement demand by the Embassy to get their VISA. All employee that are unable to meet the seven (14) days deadline given will automatically be disqualified with all personal information deleted from our database for employment.
Contact the Representative via e-mail or Tel using bellow details:-

Name: Barrister Vincent. Lennon
TEL: +91-964-388-9769

Please it’s very important that you humble yourself before the Representative Barrister Vincent. Lennon, respect him and follow his instruction for him to get your visa in due-time to ensure confirmation with our record for immediate delivery of your Flight-Ticket together with your Job Offer Letter hard copy direct to the embassy in New Delhi India via Courier service.
NOTE: Your present location and a day-time telephone number would also be required for sake of efficiency and correspondence. The job programmed Schedule will be made available in due time (no distant time). As a mark of commitment, American Seafood’s Company Place will be responsible for 60 % of your total travel expenses while you will be responsible for 40% only. This has been mandated due to our bad experience in the past from some Asian and African Countries.
Yours Sincerely,Dr/Mrr. Inge Andreassen
President (American Seafood’s Company)for all employment inquiries please call: +1 954-237-8739

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