Sunday, December 21, 2014

Mark Greg / Fake Job Scam Fraud

Fake Employment Agreement


THIS AGREEMENT made as of the 10th day of  September, 2014, betweeMr. Mark Greg citizen of theProvince of New York, and having his principal place of Residence at

25 Bedford St. 

New York City, N.Y. 10014








City __________________________________________                                    


Country _______________________________________


Job Function:  The Employee shall be employed as Domestic worker and You shall also be required to carry out associated functions as the time may be from time to time require.

IN CONSIDERATION of the promises and other good and valuable consideration (the sufficiency and receipt ofwhich are hereby acknowledged) the parties agree as follows:


1. Employment


The Employee agrees that he will at all times faithfully,industriously, and to the best of his skillability, experience andtalents, perform all of the duties required of his position. Incarrying out these duties and responsibilities, the Employee shallcomply with all Employer policies, procedures, rules andregulations, both written and oral, as are announced by theEmployer from time to time. Iis also understood and agreed toby the Employee that his assignment, duties and responsibilitiesand reporting arrangements may be changed by the Employer inits sole discretion without causing termination of this agreement.

(a) Salary:  The Employee’s annual salary shall be $32,400.00Salary will be reviewed annually. Payment shall be by direct debit into the Employee’s bank account, the account details to be provided by the Employee to the Company on the execution of the within contract.


2. Position Title


As a Domestic House Helper/Nanny, the Employee is required to perform the following duties and undertake thefollowing responsibilities in a professional manner.

(A) - Caring for young children 

(B)- Collecting children from school or nursery school 

(C) - Baby-sitting 

(D) - Feeding and caring for pets 

(E) - Light garden duties 

(F) - Light sewing or mending 

(G) - Arranging flowers 

(H)- Preparing the dinner table and food for dinner or cocktail parties 

(I) - Helping and washing-up at functions or dinner parties 

(J) - House-sitting for employers on holiday 

(K) - Taking accurate telephone messages

(L) Other duties as may arise from time to time and as may be assigned to the employee.


3. Compensation

(a)       A Bonus is Negotiable.

(b)       The salary mentioned in paragraph (l) (a) shall be review on an annual basis.

(c)       All reasonable expenses arising out of employment shall be reimbursed assuming same have been authorizedprior to being incurred and with the provision of appropriate receipt


4. Vacation


You shall be entitled to vacations in the amount of 4weeks per annum.


5. Benefits


shall at its expense provide the Employee with the Health Plan thais currently in place or as may be in place fromtime to time.


6. Probation Period


Iis understood and agreed thathe first ninety days of employment shall constitute a probationary period duringwhich period the Employer may, in its absolute discretion, terminatthe Employee's employment, for any reasonwithout notice or cause.


7. Termination


(a)       The Employee may at any time terminate this agreement and his employment by giving not less than twoweeks written notice to the Employer.

(b)       The Employer may terminate this Agreement and the Employee’s employment aany time, without notice orpayment in lieu of notice, for sufficient cause.

(c)       The Employer may terminate the employment of the Employee at any time without the requirement to showsufficient cause pursuant to (b) above, providethe Employer pays to the Employee an amount as required by theEmployment Standards Act 2000 or other such legislation as may be in effect at the time of termination. Thispayment shall constitute the employees entire entitlement arising from said termination.

(d)  The employee agrees to return any property of Mr. Mark Greg at the time of termination


9. Workmen’s Insurance


9.1 Where personal injury is sustained by the employee in thecourse of his employment, the employer will be liable to paycompensation where applicable under the Work InjuryCompensation Act (Cap. 354). [S3  S5 WICA]


9.2 The employer will insure and maintain insurance under oneor more approved policies with an insurer against any liabilitythat he would incur to any workmen employed by hiwhereapplicable under the Work Injury Compensation Act (Cap. 354). [S23 (1) WICA]


10. Laws


This agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Province of New York.


11. Independent Legal Advice


The Employee acknowledges that the Employer has provided the Employee with a reasonable opportunity to obtain independent legal advice with respect to this agreement, and that either:


(a)       The Employee has had such independent legal advice prior to executing this agreement, or;

(b)       The Employee has willingly chosen not to obtain such advice and to execute this agreement without having obtained such advice.


12. Entire Agreement


This agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties, superseding in all respects any and all prior oralor written agreements or understandings pertaining to the employment of the Employee by the Employer and shallbe amended or modified only by written instrument signed by both of the parties hereto.


13. Severability


The parties hereto agree thain the event any article or part thereof of this agreement is held to be unenforceable or invalid then said article or part shall be struck and all remaining provision shalremain in full force and effect


IN WITNESS WHERE OF the Employer has caused this agreement to be executedby its duly authorized officers and the Employee has set his hand as of the date first above written.




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